Apocalypse-Where it all Fell Apart

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Before reading this, know that it may get a little dark and brutal, and also, it's kind of long. Hope you enjoy.


The Beginning...

You: Where is it?

Grant: I don't know.

Your best friend, Grant, is staying the night at your house. It's the middle of the day, and you're outside playing a game where one person hides an object and the other searches for it. You're losing miserably.

You: I give up.

Grant: You can't give up.

Another helicopter flies overhead, closer to the ground than it probably should be. You watch it pass. Something is going on, but it doesn't concern you, so you put it in the back of your mind.

You: Yes, I can.

Grant: Come on.

The first pop in the distance is loud and shocks you. Another comes not long after that. You and Grant are both silent, watching the direction the noises came from. Of course, you can't see anything, but you watch anyway.

Grant: What was that?

You: It sounded like a gun.

There's another, and another, and another. It's like when it starts raining, slowly picking up speed until that's all you hear. Pop, pop, pop. Something is happening, and it's big. It sounds like a war is going on, not that you know what that sounds like outside of movies and video games.

Dad: Y/N, Grant! In the house!

Your dad has opened the backdoor, urging you to come in.

You: Dad, what's happening?

You ask him as you run into the house behind Grant.

Dad: Go to the living room with your mom for now.

You: But-

Dad: Go.

He's not messing around, so you find your mom in the living room, comforting your little sister, Eri. She's six right now, two years younger than you.

Mom: Grant, I can't get ahold of your parents. You're going to stay with us until everything is figured out.

Grant: Ok.

You: Why, mom? What's happening?

Mom: Sit.

You sit next to her and watch her, waiting for an explanation. There's screaming in the distance now, and the gunshots are getting closer and more frequent.

Mom: I don't know much, but people are getting sick and going crazy.

The television is on but muted. You watch as a news helicopter captures footage of a city, multiple clouds of smoke rising into the sky. You're not sure where it is, but New York City comes to mind.

Mom: We've been told to stay inside until things get better.

Dad: Not gonna happen.

Mom: What?

Dad: We've gotta get out of the city. Y/N, Grant, go start stuffing food and water from the cabinets into bags.

Mom: We're not leaving.

Dad: We don't have a choice. We stay here and we'll-

He stops before he says it, but you know what he was going to say. Die. Whatever is happening out there is coming this way, fast. If people are going crazy, staying in the city is the least safe thing you can do.

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now