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Your parents, your little sister, your best friend are all sitting or lying on the ground against the far wall of the garage you've taken refuge in.

You: I think we're safe for now.

You've barricaded the door, but it won't hold. It'll last only long enough for you to develop a plan.

You: Where are we going to go? What are we going to do?

Dad: We're not going anywhere, Y/N.

You: What? Of course, we are.

You already know what is happening. You just don't want to believe it's happening to them.

Dad: We're all dying. It'll be easier if you leave us.

You: Wh-What do I do then?

Mom: You-

You look to your mom when she speaks.

Clem: Run.

But it isn't your mother anymore.

You: No... I... I can't do that.

Clem: You have to.

Your dad has changed shapes now. In your confusion, you look to Eri and Grant. They're Clementine too. There are four dying Clementine's on the floor in front of you.

You: Clementine, how did you...

Clem: You have to kill us.

You: No. No no. No.

You raise your arms above your head and squeeze. You want it all to stop. You can't do it. You won't do it. She'll be fine. She'll make it out. She won't die. She'll live. She has to. She has to. She has to.

Clem: Please.

You: NO!


You sit up fast. Something hit your arm.

Unknown: Nightmares, huh.

She crouches down in front of you. You recognize her. Her pale skin and dark, long hair. Now you're close enough to see that her eyes are deep blue. It's Nep.

You: What the hell'd you do to my head?

You rub the back of it.

Nep: I hit you with a brick.

You: A brick?

Nep: You're fine. I made sure.

You: Why the hell did you do that?

Nep: I was pissed at you. You nearly got Set killed.

She walks to a window and crosses her arms as she watches.

Nep: I don't think you clued anyone into the fact that we're here.

You: Me?

Nep: You were screaming.

You bring your knees up and lean on them.

The room you're in looks abandoned even before the apocalypse happened. There are torn tarps hanging from the rafters, old junk lying around, newspapers and alcohol bottles littering the floor. The ceiling is high, too. Slightly curving until it reaches a point at the top.

You: Where are we?

Nep: Top floor of some government building, I think. It looks like it was under construction before the apocalypse. The beer bottles make it look like no one uses it except some morons looking to get themselves killed. We can handle morons, so we thought this would be the perfect spot to set up.

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now