Vengeful-Sleeping Beauty

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The air is cold. Your lack of clothes and the concrete floor you're lying on doesn't help. You're freezing, your head pounding, your whole body sore.

You: Fuck.

You sit up and rub your head.

Clem: Y/N? Are you awake?

You: Yeah... Yeah, I'm up.

The room is pitch black.

You: It's so cold.

Clem: They took most of our clothes for that reason, probably.

You hug your chest to find some warmth. It doesn't help.

You: How long have we been here?

Clem: A few hours. It took a few hours to get here too.

You: I've been out for that long?

Clem: That's good. You needed the rest.

You: I could've done something.

Clem: You couldn't have. They threw us in a trunk, and with the number of people around us when we arrived, you wouldn't have been able to handle it.

Riding in a trunk with another person could explain the sore body. Not to mention sleeping on a concrete floor.

You: How many do you think?

Clem: There were at least forty there. We're somewhere with a lot of people.

You: Damn.

Clem: You really poked the hornet's nest.

You: I don't even know these people.

Clem: I'm sure you will.

You can make out Clementine's form on the opposite side of the room.

Clem: I think the others made it.

You: You do?

You scoot towards the wall opposite hers and lean against it.

Clem: Yeah. From what I gathered, they killed a few of these guys.

You: They're gonna want compensation.

She chuckles.

Clem: I know.

You: I'm sorry, Clem. You're here because of me.

Clem: It's not your fault.

You: They only came to your school because I did. Now we're both about to die... I'm sorry.

Clem: I'm not worried about it. Death isn't such a bad thing. It'll get us away from all of this.

You: I guess.

Her tone tells you the opposite of what she's saying. She is worried. You wish you could do something for her.

You: I've enjoyed having you around. Even if it's only been a few days.

Clem: Where'd this come from?

You: I wanted you to know.

Clem: So, you were going to stay?

You: I don't know what I was going to do.

Clem: If we get out of here, what are you going to do?

You: Let's worry about getting out first.

The door opens, and you're bathed in light. You close your eyes and hold a hand up to block it.

Unknown: Thought I heard you talkin in here, sleeping beauty.

Someone kicks you in the stomach. You bend forward, holding the spot, gasping for air.

Unknown: Help me get him up. You, get the bitch.

You're forced to the floor, and your hands are tied behind your back. They pull you up roughly, yelling insults at you as they do, and as you're dragged from the room, you catch a glimpse of Clementine. She's already been beaten, bruised, and bloodied. It sends a wave of pain through you. It feels like your heart has dropped through your stomach and been ripped from your chest at the same time.

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now