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Eight days to Salvation's fall...

Me: Javier, call them off!

Javier: We can talk this out. Put down the weapons.

Unknown: We're not working with them, Javier! We've been over this.

More than half of Richmond's group has decided they're not going to fight with us. Instead, they've decided they want to kill us for what's happened to them over the past year. We're right back where we started a few months ago.

Cas: Clem, you go back to the others. We'll cover for you.

Me: Javier, we will defend ourselves.

Javier: I know. Give me a minute.

It's only me, Sam, and Cas here right now. I have our only gun. The others are close, just a few blocks away or so, waiting for us to come back or not. And then, if we all end up captured or killed, we left Brooklyn, Louis, Violet, and Y/N behind where we're currently staying. No matter what, this is a bad deal for Richmond's people. They'll regret this.

Cas: Clem.

Me: Not yet.

Sam: What do you want us to do then?

Me: Look for a way out of this.

Unknown: They're whispering!

Javier: You've got them cornered, and you're threatening them. What do you expect?

Unknown: You're going to defend them after everything?!

Javier: So we let them leave. We don't have to kill them.

The group is growing angrier every time someone says something. This is going to get out of hand before it calms down at this rate.

Me: Be ready for a fight.

Cas: Always am.

Javier: They're trying to help our people trapped in Salvation.

Unknown: They wouldn't be in there if it weren't for them!

Javier: That doesn't matter anymore! What matters is getting our people back. After that, we never have to see them again. And if you want to kill them afterward, you're welcome to try. I, for one, don't want to test my luck. If you don't want to help them, fine, but I sure as hell will. Anyone else that wants to join us can.

He pauses. Some more people have gathered that weren't part of the mob.

Javier: I'm not going to pretend like your feelings about them aren't valid, but we have a common goal. Salvation has taken a lot from all of us, so why don't we put our hate behind us and take care of Salvation, get our people back, and go back to Richmond? We can come back from this, but we need them.

The group doesn't say anything once he's finished speaking. They stare at him, waiting.

Javier: Anyone that doesn't want to be involved, leave. The rest of you, stay here.

It doesn't take long for those against us to disperse. One person left, and the rest lost their flame. Only six people stayed.

Me: Deals off, Javier. We're not fighting with people that might take the chance to kill us while we're dealing with Salvation.

Javier turns to me and glances at the pistol in my hand.

Javier: Please. Let us help. Our people are in there, and I'll be damned if I let them stay in there without doing anything for them. I know our numbers are smaller than they were, but we can still help.

Me: I don't trust them.

Javier: You think we trust you?

Me: If we wanted you dead, you'd have been dead.

Javier: Who's to say you won't just use us as shields?

Me: You're more useful alive.

Sam: Why don't you and the rest that want to help come back with us? We can talk more about all of this and work some stuff out.

Me: They're not staying anywhere near us.

Sam: They can stay somewhere nearby, away from us. It's your call.

I don't trust them. That angry mob didn't help that trust either. But bringing them back could be beneficial. They'd be closer, more cooperative, maybe.

Me: You'll come back with us and keep your distance.

Javier: Fine.

Me: And Gabe will be in charge.

Cas: Are you serious?

Me: Javier will still be the leader; Gabe will just make sure they stay in line.

Javier: Deal.

Me: We'll leave in a few hours. We have to be back tomorrow.

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