
470 30 3

Thirty minutes of the sound of the engine, the tires against the pavement, and the wind blowing through the back window. Everyone has been silent except for the occasional direction from Set.

You're on edge. Now that you're out of Salvation, it makes it that much more important that you keep it that way. You're paranoid that at any moment, a god could appear on the road ahead, or a car could smash into you from the side without you noticing it until it's too late. All unlikely, but things you imagine anyway. You doubt you'll ever shake this feeling until something has been done about them.

Set: Pull off here.

You're miles out from the city. There's nothing but fields and forests now.

Oni: Here?

Set: Yes.

Oni: Why?

Set: We're heading in the other direction, and it'll be easier to hide without a vehicle.

Brooklyn: We're going back toward Salvation?

Set: Yes.

Brooklyn: You're serious?

Set: We won't get close enough for them to find us. Oni, pull off.

Oni: Alright.

As he stops the car, Nep starts fishing bags out from behind you. She throws one up to Set, another to Oni, and keeps one for herself.

Brooklyn: I can carry that.

Nep: No.

Brooklyn: But-

Nep: Not up for negotiation.

She gets out of the car.

Brooklyn: Stubborn ass.

Nep: Heard that!

You climb out of your spot in the middle behind Brooklyn. They've popped the hood, and you all gather around it. Oni has reached inside, grunting while he pulls at something.

Oni: Ha! They're not using this anymore.

He pulls himself out and holds up his knife. It's dripping some liquid from it.

Oni: I don't know what I cut, but it was important.

Set: Make sure you don't get that on your hands. We can't afford anyone getting sick because you're contaminated.

Oni crouches down and starts wiping his knife in the grass.

Oni: I don't think it's that big of a deal. I'll have a free hand regardless.

You: How many weapons do we have?

Nep: Two knives and a pistol with three shots left.

Brooklyn: That sucks.

Set: We'll find some more to use on the way. For now, we should put some distance between us and this. They'll be right behind us. We probably only have a few minutes until they arrive.

Oni throws his pack over his shoulders and starts walking.

Oni: Let's hit it.


Moonlight seeps in through the cracks between the wood of the barn you've set up in for the night. Brooklyn and Nep whisper to each other next to the rusted tractor at the center. Oni lies on his side in the corner, alone.

You: Anything out there?

Set doesn't look at you as you approach. He's on watch duty for a few hours. He's got the barn door open enough that he can see but not enough to be spotted from the outside easily.

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now