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Six Months Ago...

The sack over your head is ripped off, and you're shoved into a room. You fall to the concrete and turn around to see the door slam shut. You can hear them locking it from the other side.

You: Fuck.

You hold your side. You were stabbed in the lower abdomen shortly before being thrown into this room. Now you're alone and bleeding out.

You push yourself up and stumble over to the single counter that spans one wall and start going through the cabinets hanging above it. You find a few rags and some duct tape. You stoop down to search under the counter, finding some alcohol, a fishing line, and a needle there.

You sit down on the floor and organize what you found next to you. You're on your own again. No one is here to help you.


Unknown: Not a walker, so you're still alive.

You open your eyes and look to the door. You're lying against the far wall, a hand still on your wound.

Unknown: So, welcome to Salvation. I hope you're feeling welcome.

You: Fuck you.

He sets a water bottle and something else on the counter.

Unknown: Good job surviving the night. It probably wasn't easy. Most people die right there, which is sad. To think that they made it all this way, making someone else fix their wounds. Sometimes you gotta do it yourself.

You: What do you want?

Unknown: To say hi, see if you're still alive. But hey, enough about me. What's your name?

You: I don't have one.

Unknown: It was Set, wasn't it? He told you not to tell me.

You: Who?

Unknown: Don't play coy with me.

You: Get on with your shit so I can get out of here.

Unknown: Think you'll make it, huh? Well, good luck. It's pretty easy, but that's why we start off with this, starve you a bit, leave you alone so you might start going a little crazy.

He starts toward the door.

Unknown: Tell ya what! If you survive until tomorrow, I'll let you go on a field trip. There's some water on the counter and a few pills to prevent infection from killing you.

You hear chain rattling outside.

Unknown: Lights'll come back on in a few hours.

Survive what?

He leaves the room, and someone else comes around the corner. They push a chained-up walker into the room. You start to stand up as they remove the makeshift muzzle they had to cover the walker's mouth. It's already got you in its sights.

They let go of the chains that now dangle from the walker's arms and drag from its legs as it comes at you.

The door shuts, the lights go out, and you're blind. You can only hear the walker as it stumbles toward you. You have to kill it before the lights come on. You can't avoid it for a few hours in such a small room, and you're not sure you can stay on your feet for that long.

You listen to its groans and the clanking of chains, trying to stay a few steps away from it.

Being in complete darkness comes around to bite you in the ass. You accidentally back into the wall, and the walker had gotten closer than you thought. It grabs you, and you reach out, one hand landing in its armpit, the other on its shoulder. You move your hands up to find the walker's head as it comes closer.

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