Salvation-God's Fall

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The lobby is quiet and dusty, just like it was months ago. Your footsteps echo throughout the room, and no one says a word. You're on guard, expecting anything. There are four gods somewhere in this building and possibly upper slaves tasked with keeping you from getting to the council.

You pause at the stairs and look back.

You: Are we ready?

They all nod.

You step into the stairwell. You forgot how much you hated the climb.

Brooklyn: This is the last time I go up a skyscraper.

Cas: I'm with you.

The four of you travel up the tower until you reach the training floor. You figure it's a good floor to start checking, as it was one that had the most traffic when you were around. It's a fairly open floor with few hiding spaces.

Brooklyn: When we settle, can we make one of these?

You: I don't see why not.

Brooklyn: We could set up all kinds of shit and make it better than this one.

Sam: You were learning to throw knives, weren't you?

You: I was, then we escaped. I can't do it well.

Sam: You can learn after then.

Cas: That could be useful. I think a bow would be more worth your time, though.

Brooklyn: I told you.

You: Let's just go. The floor is clear.

The next stop is the most likely floor to give you trouble. The God floor.

You all stop in front of the door and watch the door. Is it trapped?

Brooklyn: We should have discussed this before we got up here.

Sam: We go in, kill them, get out.

Cas: They might be on the council's floor.

Sam: It's worth a check. We don't want them coming up behind us.

You: I'll go first.

Sam: Brooklyn, Cas, stay out here and keep watch, just in case.

They nod, and you open the door. You and Sam slowly move into the space. You have your pistol drawn, and Sam has his rifle up. You stay close together, watching each other's backs.

Sam: Something isn't right.

You: What?

He moves towards Hundun and Hachiman's room and opens the door. He lowers his rifle and moves in.

You: What?

You follow him in, watching behind you.

Sam: Look.

You look at him to see him rub his finger across their dresser. He holds them up to you.

Sam: Dust.

You: So?

Sam: There's dust everywhere. Like no one's been on the floor in a while.

You: So?

Sam: So something happened.

He moves to the bed.

Sam: Look.

You walk over and stand next to him. There's dried blood covering the sheet. It's been there for a while, from the look of it.

You: You don't think they killed them, do you?

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now