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Cassius' god trials were unlike those of the others. He knows very little about each of their trials, but he knows his was something entirely different from there's. Y/N was practically tortured for a month. Brooklyn was forced to kill her dad, among other things. Cassius knows nothing about the experiences of Sam and Emma, though. Still, he can fill in the blanks and assume it was similar to Y/N and Brooklyn's.

Cassius' trial was always going to produce a god. Three months before he was crowned Oni, he was just a lower slave. One night, he was grabbed on his way back home. A rag was placed over his face, and then he woke up in the middle of nowhere, a letter on his chest.

Welcome to the trial of the gods. One of you forty will be accepted as a god when the other thirty-nine have been killed. You will do what you have to do to survive. You are being watched. Good luck.

Cassius was alone, surrounded by the ruins of the city. He didn't know where he was, where others were, or what he would have to do. He found out very quickly when someone jumped him the next day. He wasn't expecting it, and they nearly killed him.

He never made that mistake again. He was always watching his surroundings. He was always ready for anything. He became good at stalking his prey as well. They'd have no idea he was there until there was a rusty piece of metal sticking through their throat. He counted twenty-two kills over those three months.

Cassius could see Salvation's scouts watching from the tops of buildings. They were obviously not competition, so he ignored them and kept moving. Once, he was confronted by one when he got too close to the "out of bounds" zone. Eventually, the spectators descended. One of them found Cassius and informed him that he was finished. He was a god. He smiled as he collapsed, not caring about what they wanted from him. He was tired. He was going to sleep.

Cassius woke up the next day to that one council member standing in the corner of the room. He told Cassius his god name, which isn't even a god, and then left.

Cassius never stopped watching his surroundings. He never let his guard down. That's how he knew Brooklyn and Y/N would react to Sam and Emma's execution the way they did. He keeps a close eye on anyone that could harm him.

That's how Cassius knew someone was watching him from the tree line.

Cassius feigned his departure from the rest. It wasn't to scope out the town; it was to fix whatever problem lurked within the trees. So, when he entered the small forest outside of town, he acted like nothing was amiss. Like he had no idea that someone was following him.

They're an amateur, sloppy and clumsy. Cassius takes a hard right around a tree and pushes his way into some brush to conceal himself. When they come into view, Cassius waits just a moment. Long enough for them to stop and look around, confused by Cassius' disappearance. As soon as their back is fully to him, he pounces.

Cassius grabs the stalker's left arm, pulls him closer, and presses his knife to their neck.

Cas: Move, and I'll slit your throat.

Unknown: Woah! Woah! Ok...

Cas: Who are you?

Unknown: I... Please don't kill, man.

Cas: Who. Are. You?

The stalker doesn't speak.

Cas: Salvation? You think you'll get a promotion for tattling on us?

Unknown: What are you talking about?

Cas: Where's the rest of your crew? Are they out there watching my people?

Unknown: No, they're... Who are you?

Cas: Don't play coy with me.

Cassius puts just a bit more pressure behind the knife.

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