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The camp is massive, and there are people all over, walking from place to place, working. They're preparing for their invasion of Richmond, and it's intimidating. Richmond stands no chance.

Athena lies down on her stomach next to you. You've climbed atop a house not far from the camp. It keeps you out of the camp's lights and allows you to see most of it with little risk of being spotted.

Athena: A lot of them are awake. A lot more than I thought would be.

You: So I'm fucked?

It looks that way. The sheer number of them is astonishing and not in a good way.

Athena: No.

She points to the right side of the camp.

Athena: See the trailers?

It takes you a moment to find them. You don't know why you expected massive trailers that need semis to pull them as they're impractical. Instead, they're all closed, simple trailers of different shapes, brands, and sizes. One of them looks like a small camper.

You: Yes.

Athena: They're in the farthest right one.

You: Ok.

Athena: If you sneak around that side of the camp and open the side door on the trailer, you should be able to get them out and away easily. You'll have to watch for the guards, obviously. Kill one if you have to. I won't tell.

You: What if I get spotted? Is there anywhere to go?

Athena: Back to Richmond, but I doubt you would make it that far before being caught. Try not to get noticed, though. There are two other gods somewhere in the camp, and they're not the nicest.

You: Two more? How many of you are there?

Athena: Mmm... Seven right now.

You: And there are five of you here?

Athena: Yep.

You: That's a bad thing, right?

She looks at you.

Athena: I'm sure Set told you to run. I'm wondering why you haven't.

You: I have to help these people.

Athena: When dealing with Salvation, you can't worry about anyone but yourself. Especially when they've already been caught because even if you get them out, they're going back to a community that will be raided within a few days.

You: I can't leave them.

Athena: Get them and then run. You might escape.

You: Are you done, or can I go get them?

Athena: I'm done.

You: Then I'm going to get to it.

You climb down the way you got up, being careful not to fall and make a lot of noise. Once down, you make your move, running through the darkened areas around the camp until you're just outside the trailers.

You crouch down just at the corner of a nearby building and watch the trailers. Three guards are spread out around them, maybe more that you can't see, patrols that haven't come by. You have to time this just right if you want it to work.

One guard turns and walks away, leaving the trailer pretty open. You see your opportunity, and you take it. You stick to the shadows and keep your eyes on the other two guards still at their posts.

You reach the side of the trailer and wrap your hand around the locking mechanism. You study it quickly, trying to figure out how it works. Before you start opening it, you hear a sigh and footsteps.

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now