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Six months after the fall of Richmond...

Salvation decimated Richmond.

It only took Salvation a few minutes to win the battle for Richmond. But, in those few minutes, some of us escaped. Maybe fifty or so people made it to the set meet-up point. All of us were too depressed and lost in our own sadness to count the actual amount that made it out that day.

Out of those fifty or so, there are thirty-two of us left. We're starving, dying of illnesses and diseases, walkers get someone every now and then, a pack of wild dogs got someone once. Sleep deprivation is plaguing us too. The nightmares that came as part of the post-apocalypse deal have gotten worse for most. Everyone is stressed and anxious about Salvation, our biggest problem.

I just wish they'd come and take us.

Javi: Clem, what do you think?

Me: Hm?

Javi: About what we're discussing.

Me: I wasn't listening.

I was in my head again. Nothing ever gets accomplished in these meetings I've been dragged into. I wish we'd stop having them.

Javi: Clem, we need you right now.

Me: I know... What were you saying?

It's been a few weeks since we've had one of these meetings. There are five of us. Me, Javi, Gabe, and two other people. A man and a woman, both older. The man's name is Stephen, and I don't know the woman's name. She's not said it, and I'm not going out of my way to learn it.

Javi: We need to gather support.

I groan, stopping him before he's finished saying everything he's wanted to say. I've heard enough to know where it's going.

Me: I thought we'd been over this.

Javi: We're going over it again.

Me: Your dream to fight Salvation is just that, Javi. A dream. It's not practical, and you're going to get everyone killed.

Javi: That's why we go to other communities and see if they're willing to help. Once we gather a large enough group, we can go on the offensive.

Me: We need to worry about surviving before we think about doing anything like that.

Javi: Another community can help us with survival.

Me: A community isn't going to have the supplies to take in thirty-two people. It just started to warm up. No one will want to put that kind of strain on their reserves.

Javi: We can carry our weight. All we need is a little help.

Me: We need a lot of help.

Unknown Woman: Why do we let her in these meetings? We know she has friends in Salvation.

Javi: We all do.

Unknown Woman: She's friends with those gods of theirs, though.

Me: Well, my friends saved my life.

Unknown Woman: And then you let them take Richmond from us without a warning.

Javier: It doesn't matter what she did. She's a good ally to have.

I'm just an ally to him now. He would no longer consider me a friend. If we ever get through all of this Salvation nonsense, I doubt he'll want anything to do with me. We're pretty sure Kate and David got caught in the raid... I had to give them the information I had about Salvation so that everyone could better understand the situation. They know I could have warned them of the attack and kept it from them.

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now