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You can hear it, plain as day, deep within your mind.


Two days of very little sleep, a few hours combined, at most, has finally begun to take its toll. With the days leading up to that not being much better, you're craving sleep.

It has been far too long.

It takes you a moment to realize you're asleep. To realize someone is talking to you.

You: Hello?

You look around. You're in a grey space. Everything around you grey. Beneath your feet is water, taking on the hue of the rest of the room.

Y/N. I've missed you.

The voice is deep, dark, cold. You recognize it.

You: Fuck off.

But Y/N, our talks are always so fruitful.

It's a dream demon, as you like to call it. He pops up from time to time when you don't get enough sleep or are having a particularly hard time. He never has anything good to say.

You: I hate you, and you know it.

Is that any way to speak to your only friend in the whole world?

You spot him in the distance. He's massive, probably hundreds of feet tall, completely blacked out. He doesn't have eyes, and the mouth he likes to use so much doesn't even rest on his face. Instead, it's in your head, whispering his words of torment.

You: Go die.

I'll die when you die. Say, you could just kill yourself. Now that would make my day.

You: Do you have anything useful to say?

You are not sleeping enough.

You: Oh really, couldn't have guessed that.

Too haunted by dreams of your dead family.

He laughs.

They were weak. They had it coming.

You don't respond.

You have a new friend, don't you?

You: Excuse me?

That girl. Clementine, was it?

You: Don't act like you don't know who she is.

I was simply conversating. Though, I am curious what you might do if she were to die too.

You: Not going to be my problem.

There is no sense in lying to me. When she perishes, which she will with that leg of hers, what will you do? Will you finally crack? Well, you already have, but will you break completely?

You: Go to hell. I feel nothing for her.

I look forward to her death then. Oh... Speak of the devil. She's calling.

Clem: Y/N!

You shoot up.

You: What? What's wrong?

You hear the front gates get broken down, the hum of engines, the shouts of men and women. The herd is coming, but they aren't the ones you need to worry about.

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now