Haunted-Salvation Approaches

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Images of Clementine dying flash through your head. Sometimes, walkers get her. Others, a stray bullet. But they all end the same with her death. You can hardly bear just imagining it. What would happen to you if you really saw it.

Salvation is coming; there's no way around that. They'll get to Richmond, blow open the gates, and begin slaughtering those fighting and enslaving the rest. You saw them in action, how well they cleared John's community. They blew that gate open, stormed in, started fires, created chaos, and the rest was history. No matter what Richmond does, they will lose, some will die, and others will be forced to bow to their captor's rule.

In between unstoppable thoughts of Clementine's death, you think of ways to get out of it. How could you convince her to leave? You won't, most likely, which leaves you with how can you keep her alive when they come. You could let them take the two of you. You'd both live, but if she wasn't killed, you don't want to imagine what they would use her for.

Clem: I'm back.

You look up to the bedroom door from your spot at the foot of the bed.

Clem: What's up?

You: I didn't hear you come in.

Clem: You looked like you were in your own little world.

You: I was.

She reaches behind herself and pulls the pistol you gave her out of her pants.

Clem: I told you I didn't need this.

She throws it on the bed next to you.

You: Better you had it just in case.

Clem: Where'd you get it? We're not supposed to have them.

You: I stole it.

Clem: When?

You: While you were asleep.

Clem: I'm a light sleeper.

You: I'm good at sneaking around and stealing shit. I had to do it so much that it's easy for me now.

Clem: You better hope no one finds out.

You: They won't.

Clem: Well, I won't tell.

She starts hopping over. You pick up the discarded pistol and move it to a dresser nearby.

Clem: It's a pain getting up those stairs alone.

She says as she sits down. You grab her crutches and move them somewhere close within her reach that's also out of the way.

Clem: They could have put us on the bottom floor.

You: They could have. How did it go tonight, Clem?

Clem: Good. You missed out.

You: I don't think I did.

Clem: Your best friend ended up coming over.

You: Now I'm glad I wasn't there.

She laughs.

Clem: It wasn't long before I left.

You: Did you learn anything that we could use?

Clem: I don't know what you mean by that?

You: Useful information.

Clem: Looking for more stuff to steal, huh?

You: No. I already stole everything I needed.

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now