Salvation-Search Party

335 17 2

Seven days to Salvation's fall...

The day has come and gone. There's no sign of the rest of the group.

Thunder shakes the house.

Louis: That one was close.

You're sitting around the fireplace. You were about to try and get some sleep, but you'll never fall asleep in this.

Violet: If they were on their way back, they would've had to find somewhere to wait this out.

You: They'd have been back before this.

Louis: Unless they ran into some problems on the way back.

Violet: We should probably come up with a plan, just in case.

You: What are you thinking?

Violet: I'm open to suggestions.

Louis: I've got nothing.

You: Maybe two of us go look around, see what we see, and then wait until the afternoon to head out.

Brooklyn: What if they're really in trouble?

She yawns as she steps out of the room she was sleeping in.

Brooklyn: Are you sure this is a good call?

Violet: They could have gotten held up by this.

Brooklyn: Or not.

You: You have a better plan?

Brooklyn: Head out when this storm is over. They were supposed to be back by now.

You: And what happens if we miss them?

Brooklyn: Then we split like you said. You and I go out there; you two stay here.

Violet: We're not splitting up like that.

Brooklyn: We're splitting up either way.

Violet: With Y/N's plan, the two going out aren't going that far.

Brooklyn: I guess.

You: Say what you want to say.

Brooklyn: I just don't think we should risk it because of this storm. We had a plan, and we should stick to it.

Louis: She's right.

Brooklyn: If the problem is missing them while they're on their way, we split up.

You: Either way works for me.

Louis: It's your call, Vi.

Clementine left Violet in charge.

Violet: Will you two be careful?

Brooklyn: We'll handle it.

Violet looks at you.

You: Yes.

Violet: Then we'll wait until morning. Then you two can head out.


Six days to Salvation's fall...

Louis: There isn't much in your packs.

You: We'll make it work.

You put your backpack on, tightening the straps around your shoulders.

Violet: If you have to, come back.

You: Mhm.

You're waiting for Brooklyn. She went to climb the church's bell tower to get one last look around.

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