Collapse-Set's Plan

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Clem: How do you know it's them? You've never met them.

Clementine hops over to the couch and sits down. You gesture for Set to sit down next to her while you move to grab a chair.

Set: I don't, and I haven't seen them to confirm because I've been here in the city, and I also don't know what they look like, but I was told it was a bunch of kids on their way here. I think it's fair to assume that it's your friends.

Clem: Do you know how many there were?

Set: Five.

As you sit down across from them, Clementine gives you a worried look. It's within the realm of possibility that only five made it this far.

Clem: There were more. You're sure they said five?

Set: Yep.

Clem: Fuck.

If it's them, two have died. Other than Clementine, there was Aj, Louis, Violet, Omar, Aasim, Ruby, and Willy. Who died? That's what's important. For Clementine's sake, you hope it wasn't Aj.

Set: I don't know what you want to do, but I thought you should know. But, if you're going to do something, you need to do it now. The boss wasn't a big fan of a group so close to the camp, and he's worried that they're scouts. So he's trying to push up the timetable.

Clem: How long do we have then?

Set: A few days at most... A day at least.

Clem: I have to talk to Javier then. If they're going to attack, we might as well get the drop on them.

Set: No. They may be worried about scouts, but that's just because it'll be harder to round people up if you have a warning. They will crush whatever you throw at them no matter what. You won't catch them unprepared.

Clem: What other option do we have?

He looks at you.

Set: I have a bit of a plan.

You: You need me to do something?

Set: Well, everything, actually.

Clem: No. No way.

Set: I was thinking about it on my way over. If we-

Clem: No. You just told us how reckless it was to attack, and now you want to send him over there alone.

Set: You haven't let me explain. You don't even know that's what I was suggesting.

Clem: I don't need to.

Set stops and leans back on the couch, giving up already. He's not going to fight it because it doesn't affect him. He's actually gone out of his way to help when it could hurt him.

Clementine stares at the room behind you, thinking hard about how she can free her friends. You can see her straining to form some sort of plan in her head and failing. You want to help.

Clem: They're alive, right?

Set: For now.

He's annoyed. He has a plan that he thinks is good and will work.

Clem: What will happen if we leave them?

Set: I hope you're not thinking of doing that because if you are, stop.

Clem: I'm just trying to fill in the details.

Set: They'll either be enslaved as lower slaves, or they'll be executed because they don't bring anything useful to our people. It's the same thing that happens to everyone else.

Clem: What's a lower slave?

Set: Not really something you need to know to make the plan, but they get the worst jobs.

Clem: Ok... So, you think we need to get them out before they go back to Salvation.

Set: I think you need to do whatever you have to. I.E., listening to my plan.

Clem: You should forget about that.

Set: You're not getting them out any other way. You can conjure up any plan you want, but you don't know these people like I do. There are at least three gods there right now, which is deadly in and of itself. They have enough people to overwhelm yours completely. They have the firepower. They have the strategy. I know what you need to do to get in and get out without a hitch.

Clem: So help me make a plan.

Set: I'm telling you there's no point because I have a plan that will work. You're only wasting time, and you need as much of it as you can get.

You: Clementine, I think we should hear him out.

Set: Thank you!

Clem: I'm not letting him send you to your death.

Set: I'm not.

You: Let's hear it first.

She hesitates for a moment.

Clem: Fine.

Set looks at you.

Set: What are you willing to do?

You: Whatever I have to.

Set: I'm not going to lie to you and tell you it isn't risky because it's hella risky. You could end up dead in the end.

Clem: You said-

Set: I know what I said. Y/N will have the best chance at making it out of this because they wouldn't outright kill him.

Clem: Why not?

Set: Athena is there. She won't let them kill him because she wants to nominate him for a god position if she gets the opportunity. It's after the fact that he could die. The shit they make you do to become a god can kill you. It's a simple test, but it's difficult. Most die.

Clem: You think that's a good idea?

Set: He doesn't have to get caught. I'm just looking at the worst-case scenarios. He gets caught, and he'll live. I might be able to pull some strings to help him. Maybe. But he'll live for at least a little while and allow us to help him. Really, anyone can go, but this has the lowest risk.

You: Clementine, I can do this.

You try reassuring her, but you can tell it doesn't help.

Clem: What's the plan, Set?

Set: I'll see if I can get ahold of Athena. She should be able to lower the guard presence around where they're keeping your friends. You'll be looking for a trailer where they keep all of the prisoners. All you'll have to do is avoid getting spotted, sneak up to it, open it up, and come back with your friends.

Clem: Things are hardly ever that smooth.

Set: Things will be smooth if you want your friends back. If you have any doubts, I'm going to tell you right now this is the best plan. We can start right now without getting anyone else involved and have them back before morning.

Clementine shifts and looks you up and down.

Clem: Are you sure?

You: Yes.

Clem: Then alright. I trust you.

Set: Great. I'll go get ahold of Athena.

He pats you on the shoulder as he walks past you.

Clem: I don't like this.

You: I trust Set. I think he knows what he's doing.

Clem: We'll see.

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