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Three days after Set was taken...

Clem: Turn here.

As you reach the end of the block, you turn left as Clementine instructs.

You: They're really in the middle of this city?

The city is in the process of being reclaimed by nature like the rest of the world. Plants snake up the sides of buildings, trees grow in obscure places you'd never thought they would, cars have bushes growing out of their windows, etcetera. It's scarier to you now than when this first started. Walkers and people both could hide in more spots and get the drop on you. Not to mention predatory animals. Who knows what happened to the animals within the zoos.

Clem: If they haven't moved, which is entirely possible.

You: It doesn't sound safe. Building a community in the middle of a city just sounds wrong.

Clem: It was secure a few years ago. Unless they opened their walls and let walkers live among them, it should still be.

You're keeping your head on a swivel. You haven't seen many walkers, and that small count could spell trouble. There could be a herd somewhere close that drew them all that way, or there could be people lurking around.

You: A community in the middle of the city, and we haven't even seen a patrol yet.

Clem: Quit worrying so much.

You: I'm running on no sleep, food from yesterday morning, and a few drops of water. So if we get attacked, I'm not going to be able to do much.

Clem: I've got a gun.

You: With two bullets left.

Clem: They don't know that.

You: I know that.

Clem: We're close anyway, so I doubt we have to worry about anything like that. These are good people, trust me.

You: I do. It's them I don't trust.

It's not long after your conversation ends that you're stopped.

Unknown: Stop where you are.

You comply and don't try turning in their direction.

Unknown: Hands where I can see them.

You turn toward the man. He's got a rifle aimed at you, his finger already looped around the trigger. If you jerked slightly, he'd pull it.

Unknown: That means put them up.

You: Do you want me to drop her?

Clem: We don't want any trouble. Look, the only gun we have is at my hip. You can see that. He's got a knife for walkers, that's it.

Unknown: I don't know that for sure.

Clem: We're not a threat. I promise.

Unknown: Your hands. In the air.

Clem: He's not armed.

She's trying to reason with a brick wall.

Unknown: I will shoot.

Clem: Shoot us, and you're a dead man.

Unknown: That a threat?

Clem: Try it.

Unknown 2: Carlos! Put the gun down.

A woman comes running over, her own rifle in tow but lowered.

Carlos: Are you kidding me? We don't know these people.

Unknown: Put it down.

Carlos: Fine. This is your problem, then.

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now