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Set waits for you on the balcony, staring down at the community below. He left the door wide open, allowing cold air to blow into your apartment.

You: Did you have to leave the door open?

You close the door as you step out onto the balcony. Set doesn't respond to your question.

You lean on the railing next to Set, resting your forearms on it and interlocking your own fingers for a little more warmth. You can see Clementine and the others enjoying their reunion below. You're happy for her, and for the first time in a long time, you don't feel so alone. It's a different feeling.

Set: This is a good community.

You: Get to whatever point you want to make. You don't have much time.

Set: You're always so rude.

You: To you.

He crosses his arms and leans back on the railing.

Set: Will you ever not be?

You: Right now, you're part of a community hell-bent on enslaving the world.

Set: So if I wasn't, then you'd stop being an ass?

You: Maybe.

Set: You remind me of my brother.

You: You have a brother?

Set: I'm a twin, but you'd never know unless I told you. He died a few years back... After we got taken to Salvation. Maybe that's why I don't want to see you get hurt.

You: I'm not your brother.

Set: No, you're not.

He looks to his feet, lost in some memory of how his brother died, probably. You know how it goes because you're the same way. If someone mentions your family, you can't help but go back and relive it. You give him the time he needs.

Set: Leave. Tomorrow, they're coming. If they find out that your friends aren't in their trailer anymore, it'll be sooner rather than later. But tomorrow, it's happening no matter what.

You: That's assuming we can get away.

Set: You have to.

You: And go where? Clementine and I barely got here after you left because food was so hard to find while on the move. Now there are seven of us to feed.

Set: Steal some before you leave.

You: I'll say it again. And go where?

Set: If you're thinking of fighting this, you shouldn't be.

You: Didn't say that, but maybe Richmond has a trick up its sleeve.

Set: Doubt it. And if they did, it wouldn't be enough.

You see Clementine and the group moving toward the apartment, just outside the entrance. They'll be in your room soon.

You: Is that all you have to say?

Set: Yeah. I don't want to know what you're going to do. Tomorrow, when my people come, you're my enemy.

You: Better go get ready for your invasion, Set.

You open the balcony door and step back inside, not wanting to talk about it more. Knowing that Set will probably leave the way he got to your apartment, you close it behind you.

The apartment is tiny, really. There's a couch to your left from where you are at the balcony door that will fit three people, four if you squeeze together. The kitchen takes up most of the space across from you. The entrance is to the left of that. There's a table to your right with three chairs around it. Your bedroom is through a door a few feet away from that, and there's a bathroom through another door on the opposite side of the room.

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now