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Athena leans against the edge of the gate while you watch the community. The sun still isn't up, but you expected whoever would meet you to be here by now. You're early, but that's what is expected of you. Of every slave.

Athena: You standing there watching for them isn't going to make them come any faster.

You: I'll know when they're coming.

Athena: Whatever, man.

You: Think anyone is coming?

Athena: Of course, someone is coming. We can't go out there for a week without supplies.

You walk to the gate and look outside of the community. There's so much city left unclaimed, probably better off uninhabited. How viable is it to even live in this place like you are? It'd be easy to sneak up on the community; there's at least one walker stuck somewhere in every one of these buildings waiting to surprise someone; with no one taking care of the buildings anymore, there's probably structural damage and problems that could cause collapses with just a little effort. You would prefer living outside the city, maybe coming in every once in a while to look around for something useful.

Athena: Look at that. You look away for just a few seconds, and they start coming.

You turn around. A woman is approaching with two bags slung over her shoulders. She sets the bags down at her feet when she reaches you.

Woman: I'm supposed to tell you there's a map inside this bag.

She points to it.

Woman: And you were not permitted any guns for this.

Athena: Why not?

Woman: I'm just the messenger.

She turns and walks away without another word.

Athena: No guns?

Athena bends over and picks up the bag with the map.

Athena: We don't really need them, but they're nice to have in an emergency.

You: Maybe we're running low.

Athena: Maybe.

You grab your bag, and you walk to the gate. It opens for you, and the two of you leave the community's walls.


Athena lays the map down on the car in front of you. You've made it out of the city and are on an overpass now. It's littered with rusted cars, all pushed to the side to allow for easy travel.

Athena: I say we continue down this road. Go to this town, check it out, maybe stay the night there because it'll take all day to get there, but it'll put us closer to everywhere else this way.

You: You're the boss.

Athena: I'm not. You can disagree.

You: I don't.

Athena: Then that's what we're doing.

She makes a few marks on the map, folds it up, and stores it back in the bag.

As the two of you walk down the highway, you decide you should start a conversation. She's going to be with you for a while if you two are escaping, so maybe you should attempt to begin furthering the relationship. You expected her to be around for a while before now, but... Well, you chickened out.

You: Are you really good with this plan?

Athena: I don't know yet. I may watch my friends die because of it, so... We'll see.

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now