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Gabe: What the hell is this?

The gate slams closed behind you. The size of it still amazes you. If you were caught under it, you're sure it would crush you without a problem. But, regardless, Salvation will smash it in when they come.

Gabe approaches with some of the gate crew that went to fetch him from his room. You weren't expecting such a welcoming committee.

You: I brought people.

From what you can tell, they're not happy you left in the middle of the night. After dark, trips outside the wall are strictly prohibited unless you get special permission, which you didn't. You snuck out and brought five strangers inside their walls.

Gabe: No shit. Who are they?

You: Clementine's people.

Gabe: Clementine's people. Did they do this to you?

He looks you up and down. It's clear that they got a few hits on you.

You: Does it matter?

Gabe: I'd say it does. You brought random people into my walls and expected me to trust them because you said they're Clementine's group?

You: You let me in.

Gabe: If you weren't with Clementine, I would have turned you away. I don't trust you, and all you've done with this outing is made me trust you less. They could be Salvation spies for all I know.

You: They're not.

Gabe: Then how'd you find them? How'd you know they were close?

You: Look, are you going to let us go or not?

Gabe: I should kick them out.

You stare at each other, almost daring the other to do something. You don't like him and would jump at the chance to beat the shit out of him.

Aj: Clementine!

Aj runs past you and Gabe in a hurry. You can see people tense and reach for weapons, Gabe included. In the corner of your eye, you can see Clementine, still a little distance away.

You: Do it. Pull that shit out. I'll kick your ass in front of everyone.

He gives you a dirty look and leans toward you. The rest of the Ericson's group walks toward Clementine, realizing they're safe to do so. You don't take your eyes off Gabe.

Gabe: The "I'm with Clementine" line won't get you out of breaking our rules. It doesn't make you immune. Take them to your room, and we'll deal with the six of you in the morning.

You: You going to send up extra bedding? We only have the one set.

Gabe: Figure it out yourself.

He walks away, waves his hand in the air, and the guards around ease up and slowly go back to what they were doing before.

You start to walk over toward the small group surrounding Clementine, but you stop after just two steps. You don't want to spoil their moment. They look happy. She looks happy.

A small smile tugs at the edge of your lips, but you can't help a feeling of jealousy. You've had her to yourself for weeks, and now that her real group is back, it would be easy for them to push you aside and go back to how things were before. It would probably be easiest that way.

You start walking again, not toward the small group, but toward your apartment, which is past them. As you walk around them, you can see Clementine watching you. When she knows you're not stopping to say anything...

Clem: Y/N.

You stop and look at her.

Clem: Where are you going?

You: Um... Back to the apartment. Gabe said they're all staying there tonight, by the way.

Having been on the ground because it's easier for her and she wanted to hug Aj, she stands up with some help and hops over to you.

Clem: I'm glad you're alright.

She drops one of her crutches and reaches up to rub your neck.

Clem: What happened?

You: They uh... Thought I had done something to you.

Clem: You should go to the medical building.

You: I'll live. Just a couple bruises and scratches.

She removes her hand and takes a hop forward.

Clem: Thank you.

You: Of course.

She grabs the back of your head with little warning and pulls you over to her.

She kisses you. Her lips are warm, chapped from the cold weather, but warm. Every fear you had washes away in the instance. Every worry about her forgetting you for her people, about losing her, about having to kill her yourself. None of it matters anymore.

As she pulls away just a few seconds later, you feel a longing for more instantly. You wish that moment would last forever. Her smile doesn't help that feeling.

Clem: Set's waiting for you in the apartment. He said he wanted to talk before he left. I'll keep them occupied for a while, so you don't have to worry.

You: Um...

You're left speechless. You weren't ready to respond to anything, especially after that.

Clem: You don't have to say anything.

You nod and smile because that's all you can think to do.

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now