Vengeful-Where We'll Go

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The night was cold, and you were startled awake a few times by the crackling of the fire or Set moving around. You didn't sleep well, but that doesn't matter to you. You weren't sleeping on the cold concrete floor of a dark room anymore. You weren't kicked awake and chained up in another room. Most importantly, you knew Clementine was safe.

Set: Hey, buddy.

He shakes your shoulder.

Set: Get up.

You open your eyes and stretch.

You: What's going on?

Set: Nothing.

He starts walking away, and it's then that you realize Clementine is gone.

You: Clementine?

You say it under your breath, already knowing she isn't around. It doesn't stop you from checking the immediate area, and it crushes you when you don't see her.

Everything yells at you to sit back down when you stand up; the pain is almost too much.

You: Where is she?

Set: Huh?

He starts to turn around, but you're on him before he makes it. You wrap your arms around his neck and squeeze.

You: Where is she?

You ask him again.

Set: Chill out, man.

You: Where is she?!

You try to yell, but it doesn't come out very loud.

Clem: Y/N?

You turn your head toward the quiet and strained voice. Set uses the opportunity to get free.

Set: What the hell, man?

He's put distance between the two of you and moves his hand to his weapon.

You: If you did-

Set: I didn't do anything. She needed to piss.

You watch him, eyes darting back and forth between him and his hand hovering next to his weapon. You don't know what he has. If it's a gun, you won't make it to him. If it's a knife, you're not sure you'd have the strength to take it from him.

Set: Go check if you want.

You: I'm not turning my back to you.

Set: You don't have to, but I suggest you remember that I saved your life. And I'm the only way the two of you are going to make it anywhere.

You: Drop your weapon.

Set: Not going to do that. You just attacked me.

You: Set, drop the damn-

Set: Go see if she's alright, or you're on your own.

You: Did you leave her out there all alone? Defenseless?

Set: No, Y/N, she has a gun.

You: Liar.

Set: Listen, man.

He straightens and takes his hand away from his hip. If he genuinely gave his gun to Clementine, he has a knife stashed away. You might be able to manage that.

Set: I get it. You're skeptical.

You: If I go over there, and she's not fine...

Set: It'll have nothing to do with anything I did.

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now