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You walk up behind Athena as she watches out of the window. Hours have passed since the two of you pretended to go to bed. If anyone was listening to you, they aren't anymore.

You: What did you want to talk about?

Athena: What do you think?

You look down. If this window weren't here and you fell from this height, your body wouldn't be recognizable. And what if the building collapsed? You'd probably be dead before you made it down, but you'd never be found. It's still unnerving being up this high, so you look at Athena instead.

You: Set and Nep, obviously. I'm just not sure what you want... If you want to vent, you can.

She turns to you, crossing her arms and leaning on her right leg.

You: Did I say something wrong?

Athena: No... I want to do something, Ares.

You: About Set and Nep?

Athena: Yes.

You: You've lost your mind.

Athena: We can't just let them die.

You: We can't do anything either.

Athena: I'm sure the two of us can figure something out.

You: Like what?

Athena: I don't know, talk them out of it.

You: Talk them out of it? You want to make sure we die with them, don't you?

Athena: If that's how it ends, then so be it.

You: I'm not letting you do that.

Athena: We have to do something.

You: No, Athena, we don't.

Athena: Are you serious?

You: We have to look out for ourselves.

Athena: All four of us have to look out for each other, or none of this works.

You: No, it does work. You and I are partners, we watch out for each other, and that's it. Set and Nep are not under that umbrella.

Athena: Don't try to act tough now. I'm not stupid; you're upset.

You: What are we going to do about it?

Athena: I don't know; that's why we're talking. We can figure it out.

You: We try and talk them out of it. We're dead. We try and prevent it. We're dead. We tell Set and Nep about it. We're dead. The only way out is if they miraculously decide not to do it.

Athena: There's gotta be other options.

She turns away from you, looking back to the window. She's mad at you, even if you're just stating the obvious. There is no way out of it. She'll see it eventually.

You: It's not like I want to see them die. There's just nothing we can do.

Athena: With that attitude.

You shake your head... She wouldn't like your idea. She's shut the same one down a hundred times over.

You: Think it's time for you to think about us escaping.

Athena: Out of the question.

You: It'd get them out of here, alive.

Athena: It's impossible.

You: No, it's not. We could figure it out. Wasn't that what you were just saying.

Athena: This is not the same.

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