Salvation-Salvation's Fall

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Brooklyn: This spot is perfect.

She sets her rifle on top of a desk and looks down it.

Brooklyn: I bet I could get all five of them before they have time to react.

You're on the second floor of a building right outside the gate. The downside of setting up in a city is there are too many hiding places. They'll pay for it today.

You: Where are they?

You lean against a beam and look down the street.

You: They're taking their time.

Brooklyn: I'm sure they're on their way.

You: I wish they'd hurry up so we can end this.

Brooklyn: How fast you think we can do this? I'm betting less than an hour.

You: I doubt it takes us that long, so you're probably right.

She leans against the desk she's next to and crosses her arms.

Brooklyn: Are you ready? No more cold feet, right?

You: Ready as I'll ever be.

Brooklyn: I'm feeling pretty good myself. Violet kissed me last night, so I'm invincible at this point.

You: Why didn't you tell me?

Brooklyn: Never found the time.

You: Well... Congratulations.

Brooklyn: I couldn't believe it.

You: You froze.

Brooklyn: What? No.

You: Yes, you did.

Brooklyn: I don't know what you're talking about. You did, too, when Clementine kissed you. So why are you making fun of me?

You: Because it's funny.

Brooklyn: I've got a gun.

You: Oh no... You'd probably freeze again.

Brooklyn: Oh, look. They're here.

You: Great timing for you.

You grab your rifle and get into a good position behind the desk with Brooklyn. You're both aiming your rifles now, watching the guards. They're starting to panic as the vehicle pulls up to the gate.

The vehicle stops, and Sam steps out.

Guard 1: Don't move!

Sam: We're going to give you a chance to surrender!

He calls up to them. The second they refuse, you'll take them out. Right now, they all have their guns pointed at the vehicle. If they try anything, it's over for them. They have no idea you're here.

Sam: You know you're not being treated right! Even if you're upper slaves!

Guard 1: Shut up!

Sam: Last chance!

One of them lowers their gun and starts talking to the others. They start arguing as Sam gets back in the vehicle. He pokes his head out of the window.

Sam: Final answer!

Guard 1: Fuck off!

Guard 2: No! We surrender!

Brooklyn: Let's take out the ones with their guns still up.

You: You first.

She fires a shot and puts a bullet into the arm of one of them. Two who clearly don't want to be involved run away, and the others take cover. Cas is already backing the vehicle up to ram the gate.

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now