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You walk behind the group in silence. No one speaks. No one even chances a glance back at you. The five of them walk in a horizontal line in the direction you pointed them, and that's it.

You take stock of the situation while you can. Before people start talking to you and you don't have the time to think.

Violet made it, and you're glad. You don't know her well, but the time you did spend with her, you enjoyed. Maybe you can be friends now that you're sticking around.

Louis made it too. You didn't like him before, but maybe you should give him a chance. You thought he joked too much and wouldn't last ten minutes outside those walls at the school, but here he is. For these five to have made it, they'd have all had to contribute in some capacity.

Omar walks next to Louis. You don't remember talking to him outside of introductions, so you know him the least out of the bunch. He made some pretty decent food, from what you remember.

Aasim looks miserable. You can't help but notice the lack of Ruby, and Clementine said the two of them were together. From the way he's acting, it's hard to picture something other than her being dead.

Aj is the last of the bunch. You're thankful for Clementine's sake that he lived. You didn't interact with him much, but he's pretty resourceful, from what you can tell.

Willy is gone too. Did he die, or did they get split up? If he got separated, he probably died. If any of them got separated from the rest, the same would probably happen. Maybe Aj could do it, but you only say that because Clementine raised him. You don't really know.

You: Are you guys alright? Need anything?

You try your best to sound nice.

You: None of you are hurt too bad? I can carry you if I have to.

Violet: What do you want from us?

She stops and turns around fast. The rest follow suit. It happens so quickly that it startles you, and you slowly take a step back.

Violet: Did you break us out to screw us over again?

You: What?

You can see Omar and Aasim whispering to each other, but you can't hear what they're saying. You could see the hate and distrust on Violet's face as she got out of the trailer, but you wrote it off and assumed it was nothing.

Violet: We're not idiots. You fucked us at Ericson's. You stole Clementine while we slept, and then when the herd was about to hit, your people attacked us and killed Willy.

Willy is dead. He was killed that day at the school.

You: My people?

They all rush you at once, not waiting for you to try and explain yourself. They have made up their minds about you. You're the enemy to them.

You: Hey! Stop!

They're unorganized in their approach. If you were willing to injure them, you're confident you could win. But you're on their side, and fighting back would hurt your chances of convincing them.

Louis swings first. You dodge to the right, but being caught off-balance, you can't avoid Violet. She punches you in the jaw, sending you reeling. Aasim takes the opportunity to tackle you at the legs, and you fall over. He gets a few hits in on your face before the rest of them are there, holding you down.

They don't want you dead yet, and that's how you want it to stay.

Aj: What did you do to her?

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now