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You've found nothing since that house, and it's draining you. You're not sure how much longer you can keep looking before you need to stop. She was here. She had to have been. If she's gone, you'll be crushed.

Brooklyn: We're not finding anything.

You: Obviously.

Brooklyn: So we head for the town center and wait on the others. Maybe they found something.

You: Sure.

You can't think of anything else to do. You just want to get it over with, rip the bandage off and keep moving. As long as she isn't dead, you think you could live with yourself. Besides, you're not alone anymore. You made friends. She'd be happy for you.


I'm shocked by Set's appearance. I didn't expect it to be someone I knew on the other side of the door... I have to decide whether or not he's here to take us to Salvation.

Me: What are you doing here?

I keep my voice filled with awe. It may make him more likely to tell me the truth.

Set: Looking for you.

That's a vague answer. He hasn't tried to take me yet, and he looks friendly, though. That could be a ploy. I don't know the girl next to him. She could be the one in charge of taking us, and the other three Louis reported are out rounding up the others.

Me: Are you... How are you?

Set: In need of some food, water, and rest, but other than that, we're fine.

Me: Did Salvation not set you up with that before they sent you out?

Set: Oh, no. All of it happened so fast. We were in our rooms, alarms went off, and then we were escaping.

Me: Escaping?

Set: Yeah.

Me: What happened?

Set: The story would be great around a fire with the rest of your group. Where are they?

Pushy. Could he be lying?

Me: Where are your people?

He catches my skepticism.

Set: We're not here to take you.

Me: How do I know that?

Set: Because I said we aren't.

Me: You took Y/N.

Set: That was different.

Me: Was it?

Set: Yes.

Me: Why else are you here?

Set: I told you we escaped.

Me: We. Who is we? I know there are five of you.

Set: Emma.

He gestures to the girl next to him.

Set: Brooklyn, Cassius, and Y/N.

Me: Huh?

Set: Emma, Brooklyn, Cassius, and Y/N.

Me: Y/N is... He survived?

Emma: I cleaned him up after his trial myself.

Me: He's here?

Set: Somewhere. He started looking on the opposite side of town with Brooklyn.

I expected him to be dead, I realize now. I didn't think he'd survive, let alone escape. Even if he had lived, I thought I'd have to rescue him. He did it himself.

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now