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The sun fell before you could reach the town you were headed to.

You: This is far from ideal.

You're set up just off the highway; your back is to the road, Athena's is to the woods. You started a fire while she checked around the area to ensure there weren't any immediate threats.

Athena: I don't want to be walking around in the middle of the night. Anything could sneak up on us and end it all.

You: Anything could sneak up on us now.

Athena: Yeah, but we know where we are, and we know the surroundings. Plus, I checked around. Just the occasional walker like normal.

You: Let's hope we don't get jumped by a pack of wild dogs or something.

Athena: They'd be more scared of us than we are of them. As it should be.

You: Unless they're starving.

Athena: Quit worrying. Let's talk about the important stuff.

You: Like?

Athena: Food. What are we eating?

You: I doubt they gave us anything to cook.

You unzip your bag. You're the one carrying the food and water.

You: Yeah. Just dried shit and whatever else they decided to throw in here.

Athena gets up and crouches down next to you.

Athena: What the hell is that?

She pulls something out. You're not sure what it is either. It's green and brown and doesn't look at all edible. The texture seems to be the worst part.

You: Your dinner?

Athena: No, thank you.

She puts it back.

Athena: I'll just take this.

She pulls out some jerky.

You: Sure you don't want the other thing?

She puts the jerky in her mouth and wanders back to where she was sitting.

Athena: I'm good. You can have it if you want.

You: One of us is going to have to eat this eventually. They only packed enough to last the week.

Athena: I have seniority in both age and god, so you have to.

You: I can go a day without eating.

Athena: But you shouldn't. You know, what we could do is find our own food. Kill an animal and eat that every night.

You: Too much time and probably nearly impossible without a gun.

Athena: How long do you think guns have been around? People used to hunt without them.

You: They had bows and traps. We have none of that.

Athena: You just stay super still somewhere, and I'll chase a rabbit to you. You grab it and stab it in the neck.

You: This sounds like a really dumb idea.

Athena: Nah, it could work. Maybe.

You: Maybe we can try it if we're desperate.

Athena: Deal.

She stands up, wiping her hands.

Athena: I'm gonna go piss.

You: Be careful.

Athena: Always am.

She disappears into the woods, and you look down at the fire just in case she doesn't go far enough. You pick a blade of grass and start pulling it apart, throwing the freshly torn pieces into the fire. Seven days of this doesn't seem too bad. It beats being in Salvation. This makes you want to get away more.

Athena: Ares!

You stand up, drawing your knife.

You: Athena?

She doesn't respond.

You: Athena, this isn't the time for jokes.

She still doesn't respond.

You: Athena!

You can't step out into the woods. She was probably grabbed, so someone is out there. They're watching you, waiting for you to enter their domain so they can ambush you. And if she's joking, you don't want to hurt her by accident.

You have to do something. You can't just stand here.

Tyr: Drop the knife.

You turn around. Tyr is standing on the highway, a pistol leveled at you. Hodr stands next to him. Now you see why you weren't allowed guns. This was a setup. But why go to all this effort? Why send you away?

Hachiman: We could kill her.

You turn back to the woods. Hachiman and Hundun are there.

Hundun: We could play it off as you resisted, and we had to do it.

Athena has been knocked out. They have her lying at their feet, a little blood leaking down her face.

You: What's going on?

Tyr: I thought that was pretty clear.

It is clear, but why? Why? It's Oni. It has to be Oni. He told them everything.

You: Why make us come all the way out here? What was that for?!

Hachiman: Council thought it'd be a good exercise. Simulate you trying to run like you want.

You: What now?

Tyr laughs. It's fake, just in derision of the situation you're in.

Tyr: We take you back.

You: And do what?

Tyr: Not gonna spoil the fun. We've got a long chat to have.

You're frustrated. What are you going to do now? You're being held at gunpoint, four gods around you, and Athena is being held hostage. You have no way out of this. They'll take you back and then kill you with Set and Nep. Were they always planning this? Purge all the disloyal gods, and start anew.

You: Fuck this.

You throw your knife into the fire. You don't want to do this anymore. If they're going to kill you, they can do it. You're tired. Tired of fighting, and suffering, and losing. At least if they kill you, you won't feel anything. You'll be at peace forever. Alone. Without pain and struggle.

You: If you don't end it. We'll kill you. I promise.

Tyr: Pretty big threat to be throwing around.

He hits you in the head with his pistol once, but it doesn't knock you out. You have to grin and bear the second strike.

Tyr: See ya later.

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