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You hear voices from somewhere. They sound distant but right next to you at the same time. You feel a million miles away from reality, locked in the very back of your brain as the world continues to move.

Unknown: Violet, it's been five days. Anyone who was there has either died or left.

Violet: We can't know that. He could be a scout coming back to scope us out.

Unknown: He's not in any shape to tell us, so I'm going to patch him up. If he dies, we'll have no idea whether the Delta is back or not.

You want to move and open your eyes, fight back and defend yourself. Even if they're trying to help you, you don't know these people. They could be some of the worst people out there, and you're at their mercy.

Violet: You're right. Just tell me what you need.

You can feel yourself coming to. Zipping through some imaginary tunnel in your head, flying straight toward reality.

You shoot up, sucking in as much air as you can, eyes darting around the room, searching for threats. No one is with you, but you swear you heard voices. There were two people, at least, right next to you just a second ago. Was it a second ago?

You look down at your wounded arm, now bandaged and cleaned. Whoever fixed it did a great job. Better than you would have done.

Your jacket and shirt have been removed, leaving you topless. They were probably ruined, getting drenched in your blood, and ripped from the bullet and whatever else snagged you as you ran. You scan the room for them or replacements but don't find any such thing, so you'll have to go shirtless for the time being.

As you look around, the only notable thing you notice is a bowl sitting on the dresser next to you. You start to stand but fall back down immediately. You're not going to be able to stand until you've eaten.

You push off your bed, leaning as you combat your symptoms as best you can, and grab the bowl before falling back onto the bed. You look down into the bowl. Food.

The bowl is filled with food. You're not sure what it is. You don't care. You just want to eat.

It doesn't take you long to devour the food and toss the bowl back onto the dresser next to you. You already feel the effects of finally nourishing your body. A wave of relief washes over you. You weren't looking forward to the whole dying of starvation thing. It didn't sound like the most pleasant way to go out.

You'll be stuck in the bed until your body fully processes the food. And, you doubt whoever nabbed you is just going to let you walk out. You'll build up some strength, and then you're leaving with our without the permission of whoever is here.

The most you can do now is take stock of the room. There's the bunk bed you're on, the top bunk without a mattress. The dresser you grabbed the bowl from is between you and another bunk bed against the opposite wall. There's a desk at the foot of your bed, a closet on the other side of that. The door is on the left side of the room, diagonal from where you are. It looks to be the only exit; the window in front of the dresser has been boarded up and blocked off.

You don't see anything that you could use as a weapon as you survey the space. The bowl is the only item in the room that you can see. The door to the closet is gone, and you don't see anything in there. There might be something in the dresser drawers, but from what you've noticed about the rest of the room, it's probably looted of anything useful. The bowl looks ceramic, so you could probably bust it and use the shards to slit someone's throat and take whatever weapon they're packing around.

The place isn't in the best condition. The walls are cracked and busted open in certain areas, there are spider webs scattered around the room, and the mold. Though, you can't blame whoever lives here. The only places that are really clean nowadays are those fancy communities. You steer clear of those. You've tried to rob one once. It didn't go well.

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