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How many years ago did William's wife disappear? He thinks about her often. One night he came home, and she was gone. There was no trace. He had the whole community looking for her, but they never found her.

Now it's an obsession of his. Finding her. Why did she leave? She had a perfect life. She never left the house. Never starved. Never wanted for anything. He gave everything to her. He made sure that she was happy. He tried so hard... But that look in her eyes always pissed him off.

Unknown: Sir?

William: What is it, Jeffery?

Jeffery: Salvation has fallen.

William turns to him. He's shocked. They'd been planning their own attack.

William: Get our people over there. We can't let those supplies go to waste.

Jeffery: Of course. What do you want us to do about people? Turn them away?

William: No. Let them in.

Jeffery: The price?

William: Same as always. Information.

Jeffery: Yes, sir.


Four Years Later...

You wake to screams, the smell of smoke, and a little girl pulling on your arm.

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now