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Waking up in a bed with sheets that don't smell and aren't covered in mold, with no threat of walkers beating in your door, with the temperature not outrageously cold or hot, is something you never thought you'd experience. It's peaceful, comfortable... It's been unsettling.

You look to your right and pull back the blanket. Clementine has already gotten up. You throw your feet over the side of the bed and pull on your boots. You're sure that she's still close. The smell of food fills the apartment.

Clem: Good morning.

She says as soon as you exit the bedroom. She's standing at the island counter, probably messing with the food you smell.

Clem: Thought I'd let you sleep.

You: I would have been fine if you woke me up.

You would have preferred it.

Clem: Well, I let you sleep a little longer.

You lean on the counter and watch her as she separates the food.

You: What are you doing?

Clem: Breakfast.

You: Yeah, but what are you doing right now?

Clem: Splitting it up. There's more than we both need here, so I thought we could save some for later.

You: Did you make it?

Clem: No. Someone brought it over.

You: Who?

Clem: We'll leave it at someone.

You: Was it Gabe?

Clem: It was someone.

You: I hate that guy.

Clem: Don't you think you're being a little harsh?

You: He doesn't like me.

Clem: Well, Y/N, you're not exactly nice to people.

You: I'm nice to you.

Clem: You weren't a few weeks ago. Should I remind you of the first time we talked? I think you told me to go to hell. There was a fuck you in there too.

You: You weren't so great yourself.

Clem: I'm not good at first impressions either, I'll admit it. But, we've been here for five days, and you still don't trust anyone even a little.

You: They haven't given me a reason to.

Clem: Pfft.

You: What was that?

Clem: Lift your shirt up.

You do.

You: Ok?

Clem: They fixed your stab wound.

You: It was already almost healed.

You pull your shirt back down.

Clem: But, they made it heal better, and that wrap and ointment for the burn on your wrist. It's helped, hasn't it?

You: They could just be making sure I live long enough so they can cut me up and eat me.

Clem: Trust me, they would have already got one of us if they were cannibals.

You: How do you know?

Clem: Got captured by cannibals once. They work fast.

You: No shit?

Clem: No shit. Almost ate some guy's leg meat too.

You: But you didn't, right?

Clem: No. Would that have made me not an option?

You: I don't know what you mean by that, but it would have been disgusting.

Clem: Yeah, it would have. Lee figured it out right before dinner. We were the only two that didn't eat it.

You: I haven't run into any cannibals yet.

Clem: Yet.

You reach across the counter and pull the food over.

You: What is it? Human meat?

Clem: I don't know.

You: He's trying to poison us.

Clem: No, he's not.

You: This looks disgusting.

Clem: You don't seem like someone who would complain about food.

You: I'll complain about food if it's given to me by a rat.

She reaches across and pulls the food back.

Clem: He's not a rat. You're just being dramatic.

You: Clementine, he's always looking at me dirty.

Clem: You look at everyone dirty, and he's in charge of security.

You: I feel so safe. Can the dude even take out a walker?

Clem: I'd hope so. I taught him the best way.

You: What way is that?

Clem: Maybe I can teach you.

You: I know how to take a walker out.

Clem: But do you know the best way?

You: I know my best way.

Clem: And that's probably not the best way.

You straighten up and walk over to the window. Looking below your apartment, people walk the streets. They're happy, completely content with life behind walls. They've convinced themselves that nothing can touch them.

Clem: We're going to Javi's house today.

You: That's the baseball player, right?

You move to the couch and sit down.

Clem: Mhm. I'm upset it's taken us so long to actually sit down and talk. Man, I want to meet their kid.

You: They've been busy, haven't they?

Clem: Yeah. Something about this war they're in.

You: Why am I coming anyway?

Clem: They asked for you.

You: Ugh, why?

Clem: You're new. They want to get to know you.

You: I don't want to get to know them.

Clem: You'll like them.

You: Will Gabe be there?

Clem: I don't know.

You groan.

Clem: It'll be fine.

She hops around the counter on her crutches.

Clem: You're too focused on him.

You: Because I'm worried he'll kill me when my back is to him.

Clem: He wouldn't.

You: I'm just worried, Clem.

Clem: You really don't need to be. I'll watch your back if that makes you feel better.

You: Thanks, Clem.

Clem: Now, I'm hungry, so whether you want to eat this stuff or not, I'm eating. Are you going to join me?

You: Yeah, I guess so.

Clem: Don't sound too excited.

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now