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You: Grant!

You watch a walker tear into your best friend. First, it rips a chunk out of his left shoulder and then keeps biting. Then, more join in, chomping on various bits of his body, and all you can do is watch in horror.

Dad: Keep running!

Your dad snaps you out of your trance as he frees Grant and throws him over his shoulder. Grant's limbs loll side to side as your dad runs like he's already dead. Like your dad is carrying an unanimated corpse around just waiting for it to reawaken and rip out a bit of his back.

Dad: Don't stop again, Y/N!

There are walkers everywhere, closing in around you. The herd came out of nowhere, surrounded you before you even knew what was going on.

There were signs. You were just too dense to see them.

Eri screams as the first walker gets her left ankle. Another gets her left arm moments later, and then another her neck. Eventually, your mom frees her and picks her up. She got there before the walkers were able to kill your little sister outright, but their bites are enough. She'll be dead by the end of the day.

Mom: Y/N!

You dodge a walker in your path. It falls over behind you, tripping over its own feet.

Dad: Are you alright?

You: I'm fine.

Your voice comes out as it is now. It's deeper, maybe a little raspy from that hanging still. It's then that you realize nothing your parents say actually leaves their mouths. You don't hear anything.

Dad: If you go down, we're screwed! Keep it together, alright!

You nod, not hearing a single word he said. But you remember it. You just can't place his voice there because it's gone. The memory of your family's voices is gone. It makes you think, is this really what they all looked like, or have you forgotten that too?

They're gone. Might as well be strangers. What'd they do for you anyway? They died and left you all alone.

Without warning, your dad screams. Nearly instantly, your mom follows suit. Both of them are bitten at almost the same time. Your dad gets free quickly, but your mom takes a little longer. That just makes things worse. She gets bit again, but you don't remember how many times it was. Three, maybe four times. You looked away.

Run all you want, Y/N. You know how this'll end.

Time slows as you look at your dying family... The image you have of your family in your head... You're the only one unbitten, running in the middle of them all. You know what a bite means. You've seen it kill people before now. There is no way out for any of them anymore: no cure, no miraculous recovery, no immunity, just death. You'll be the only one when the day ends.

Unknown: Y/N!

Your head snaps in the direction of the familiar voice. You can see someone through the herd.

Unknown: Y/N!

You: Clementine.

Your breath catches in your throat, and without hesitation, you plunge into the herd, pushing your way through. You're no longer your young self watching helplessly as your family dies. You're you as you are now... But still helplessly watching.

Dad: Y/N! She's already dead!

Your mind makes up your dad yelling at you and fills in what he would have sounded like.

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now