Collapse-Watch for the End

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The sun has risen, and Salvation hasn't attacked. Using the cover of night would have given them an advantage, but maybe they're confident in whatever strategy they have. When John's community was attacked, they did it at night. They also waited for there to be an event, and there are none you've heard about. Clementine would have said something to you.

You watch as people walk around the community, starting their morning routines. They're completely unaware that Salvation is breathing down their necks right now. The peace they've grown accustomed to is about to blow up in their faces. You could warn them about it, but escaping in the chaos may be your best shot. You know Salvation is watching. Set and Nep are probably somewhere in the community, preparing for the attack. If they saw that people were trying to escape, they'd alert someone, and it'd be over.

You sigh, leaning against the balcony railing. This community nonsense is what you wanted to stay away from. Too much drama. You've never dealt with something on this scale with people to worry about. It's draining.

Violet: Anything?

You: Nope.

She makes her way to the railing and leans back against it.

Violet: Everyone is downstairs.

You: Good.

You straighten up a bit, your hands gripping the rail.

Violet: Think they're coming soon?

You: They'll either do it this morning while everyone is getting ready for the day, or they'll do it at night.

Violet: Why not in the middle of the day?

You: It doesn't seem logical. They want to capture people, and I'd imagine that'd be the hardest time of day to do that.

Violet: What do you think they'll do then?

You: Dunno.

You look at the gate. They'll kick it in, storm the place, kill a few to show they're not fucking around, and then kill those resisting. Find the armory, take control, and they've won. Set and Nep probably found that while they were doing their thing. Probably did a whole lot more than anyone knows about. After that, it's as simple as pointing a gun, showing they have more people, and killing a few more, for example's sake.

You: I'd imagine this morning. Maybe tonight if we get lucky.

Violet: Don't see us getting lucky in this.

You: Harder to follow in the dark. We could escape easier.

Violet: Yeah. What do you think our chances of getting away are?

You: What's with all these questions? Why aren't you asking Clem?

Violet: Just talking to you. Gotta get to know the new guy since he's decided to stick around.

You: I'd say our chances are pretty good.

With Athena coming for you, you doubt that's the case. But she knows you're here, so she'll be looking.

Violet: Chances of Richmond winning?

You laugh.

You: Another question.

Violet: Just answer it.

You: They're not winning. You saw Salvation. Now, look at this place. They don't stand a chance, especially since they don't know Salvation is coming.

Violet: So, we're going to be stuck on the road again.

You: Yeah. Don't know if it'll be easier or harder with more people.

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