Salvation-Time Passes

311 23 14

Four days to Salvation's fall...

Gabe: Y/N.

He comes jogging over to you. You're currently checking the perimeter of the farm you're currently commandeering.

You: Yeah?

Gabe: Sam is looking for you.

You: Ok. Thanks. Where is he?

Gabe: The barn.

You: Can you finish the perimeter for me?

Gabe: Yeah.

You nod and start walking away.

Gabe: Hey, can I talk to you?

You: What do you want?

Gabe: I... Just wanted to apologize.

You look back at the farmhouse.

You: Did Clementine put you up to this?

Gabe: No. She probably couldn't care less.

You: Ok. What do you want me to say? I forgive you?

Gabe: No.

You: Is that all then?

Gabe: Yeah.

You: You should apologize to Clementine, not me.


You: Gabe said you were looking for me.

Sam: Yeah.

You: What do you need?

Sam: What do you think about the plan?

You: It's alright.

Sam: Any flaws?

You: I don't know how we're getting in.

Sam: I was thinking of the sewers, but that would put us directly in the tower.

You: You haven't decided?

Sam: No.

You: We can just steal a car from the turbines and ram it through the gate.

Sam: That's not a bad idea, actually. It'd get us in and the gate open.

You: If you want to talk about the plan, you should speak to Clementine.

Sam: I'm talking to everyone.

You: I've said what I think.

Sam: Yeah.

You: Anything else?

Sam: How are you doing?

You: Fine, I guess.

Sam: Sure?

You: I'm just worried about it. Who isn't?

Sam: True.

You: How are things with Emma?

He shakes his head.

You: What does that mean?

Sam: She doesn't want to.

You: Really?

Sam: Yeah.

You: I'm sorry, man.

Sam: It's better I know.

You: Don't beat yourself up too much. I don't really know what I'm talking about, but I can listen.

Sam: It's ok.

You: Ok. I'm gonna go make sure Gabe isn't fucking up the perimeter.


Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now