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Brooklyn: The hell was that?

Council: You don't have long.

You: Answer the question!

Council: A few slaves willing to give their lives is all I needed to kill you all.

There's a rumbling again.

Council: I'll take every one of you with me and tear this community to the ground.

Brooklyn: Shit.

You: What?

Brooklyn: He's... Using explosives on the tower.

Council: How weak do you think the supports already are? How long do you think it'll be before this whole thing collapses?

Cas: Holy fuck.

You run. There's nothing else to do. None of you say a word. You just run. The council is as good as dead, and you can't stop this. Running is your only option now. But, even then, will you make it?

Cas is in the lead, you're behind him, and Brooklyn is behind you. You take the stairs two or three at a time, jumping multiple steps when you can.

You hear an explosion somewhere below. How many explosives do they have? You're waiting for the tower to collapse. Every tremor sends chills up your spine. This tower will bury you. If you live, you'll die of starvation and dehydration, and every second will be spent trapped in a prison made of several tons of steel.

Cas makes it to the bottom while you're still at the top of the last flight of stairs. When you make it down, and out of the door, he's waiting for you.

You: Go!

Cas: Wait.

The explosions have been taking place on this floor. The air is filled with so much dust you can't see the exit, though you know which direction it's in.

Cas: We don't know where the explosives are.

One goes off somewhere deeper in the building. It doesn't stop you from flinching and covering your head.

Brooklyn: Just go! We don't have time to worry about that!

He hesitates but takes the lead. You're out of breath, but you're not phased by it. You can't stop.

Cas: I can see the exi-

You don't know what to compare it to. There's a bright flash. You hear it for a second, and then there's a ringing in your ears. It's warm, like you were burning for a second, and then you weren't.

You: Fuck.

Your leg. Something's wrong with your leg.


Cas's POV...

I push myself up onto my hands and knees and cough. There was this massive force that hit me in the back, throwing me to the ground.

Me: Guys?

I stand up and turn around. Everything is on fire. There's debris covering where they were. I can't get to them.

Me: Y/N? Brooklyn?!

My ears are ringing. Can they even hear me if they were alright? I stumble forward and start pulling debris out of the way.

Me: Y/N! Brooklyn!

There's no response. They can't be dead. They can't... I can't be the only one left. I have to get them out of there. I have to save them...

Brooklyn: Cas! Can you hear me?!

Me: Brooklyn! Where are you?! Are you alright?!

Brooklyn: I'm alive! There's a bunch of debris here!

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now