Manhunt-Beginning of the End

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It's about noon when you step out of the house and onto the porch.

Clem: You're the first one awake. Half the day is already gone.

She's sitting on a swing on the porch. It looks disgusting, but she's got the half she's seated on covered with a blanket.

You: Sorry. We didn't sleep much on the road. We didn't sleep much before that, either.

Clem: It's okay. We don't need you for anything yet.

You: You're going to need to give us things to do. We'll get bored.

Clem: I'll find you things to do. I just don't know what you guys are good at.

You: Emma can be the nurse.

Clem: Yes, but she's not going to do that all the time. I'll have to find her something else to do.

You: What do you want me to do?

Clem: Ideally? Sit here with me. It gets boring being here alone, but I can't do anything else.

You cross your arms and lean against one of the beams holding up the overhang.

You: I'll do whatever you want me to do.

Clem: I could use you somewhere else, I'm sure. No point in wasting you all day.

You: I don't know. Doing nothing sounds nice.

Clem: I don't feel like you would be able to handle it. It'd drive you crazy.

You: Probably.

Clem: Definitely.

You: So you do this all day? Sit on this porch and... Watch?

Clem: Pretty much. Very exciting stuff. Look, there's a walker in the distance.

You: I'm sorry.

Clem: Someone has to do it.

You: Rotate. Go do something else while someone else does this.

Clem: I can't, really. I don't have enough balance on this leg to do much. If a walker were to get me by surprise. I wouldn't be able to fight back very well.

You: I'll come with you.

Clem: It's okay, Y/N.

You: If you change your mind, tell me.

Clem: I will.

You wipe your forehead. Some sweat has built up, and you're unsure if it's because you're nervous or it's hot outside.

Clem: So, did you ever raid a community?

You: One, right before we escaped. That night, the council told us Emma and Sam were going to be killed.

Clem: How was it?

You: I don't know how to answer that. I probably wouldn't have made it through without Brooklyn. She kept me from stopping.

Clem: It sounds like she's a good friend.

You: Yeah. We spent a lot of time together, being partners and all.

Clem: What are partners?

You: Basically, we did everything together. We went on missions, did our chores, shared a room, and stuff like that. It was so we didn't have to do things alone. It made things easier and kept us alive.

Clem: Must be why you two seem so close.

You: Do we?

Clem: She said she was your wingman.

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