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Athena: Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Ares, get up.

You wake up from being shaken. You're in a dark space, so dark you can't see anything. The place is small, so much so that you're tangled inside with Athena. They've probably got you in the trunk of a car.

Athena: Ares.

You: Are you alright?

Athena: Thank god. Hurting, but that doesn't matter. We need to get out of here.

Your hands are tied behind your back. The rope has already started rubbing your wrists raw.

You: How long have you been awake?

Athena: A minute or so.

She's struggling, trying to do something.

You: You're going to hurt yourself. Stop moving.

Athena: You expect me to just let this happen?

You: Yes. There's no way out right now.

Athena: There may never be. We need to make a way.

You: The best thing we can do is wait and see what happens.

She falls silent. She seems to be accepting what you're saying and stopping.

You: Did they tell you anything?

Athena: No. They just attacked me. I managed to yell for you, but that's all I remember. I guess they knocked me out then.

You: They didn't tell me much other than that they're taking us back to Salvation.

Athena: Why? What's the point?

You: I don't know.

The engine starts, and the car begins to move.

Athena: Are they going to kill us?

You stay quiet, mulling it over in your head. They might, or they might not. This might be some elaborate punishment, but how likely does that seem? It's more likely that they just want the four of you gone.

You: Probably.

Athena: Fuck.

You: We'll see if an opportunity opens up. If it does, we'll take it.

Athena: Alright. Alright, shit.

Why do you keep fighting? You do want to give up. It all seems so hopeless, and the more you think about it, the deeper you fall into despair. Life was so much less complicated a year ago, and it was complicated then.

Athena: Think this was Oni?

You: I don't know. Seems like they wanted us dead regardless.

You ride the rest of the way in silence, listening to the sounds of the car. It feels like hours before you reach Salvation. The car stops, the engine turns off, and the car starts to shake as the passengers exit and slam their doors.

You: We're home.

Athena: It sounds like it isn't home anymore.

The trunk opens, and you're grabbed. You're thrown to the concrete, and a knee is placed on your back. You can see Athena being treated the same way. She's more vocal about her distaste of it.

Unknown: Well, how was your trip?

He steps into your view. You look up at him. You've wished for months that you could put a bullet in his head.

Athena: Go to hell.

Unknown: I take it poorly.

He motions, and you're lifted to your feet and led into a building. You're not in Salvation anymore. You're somewhere else.

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now