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John: Hello! Welcome!

You can tell that you're elevated higher than the crowd that has gathered, but that's all you can determine.

John: Today, I've gathered you to witness the death of our long-time enemy.

He removes the bag from your head. You expect the sun to blind you, but it's night. The crowd below is not everyone in the community, probably all who want you dead, plus some looking for entertainment. You can see guards atop walls in the distance, people entering and exiting buildings all around. This community is a town with a wall built around it.

John: We captured Y/N days ago after years of searching for him. The wrong he's done cannot be forgiven.

You scan the crowd. They're pleased with your approaching death.

John: Now, I know I promised each of you a chance to see him, but I learned how impractical it was. That is no one's fault other than mine. If you wish to blame someone, blame me.

You notice Clementine off to the side, being supported by two guards. She's still bruised, but... She looks good. She seems healthy for the most part. They haven't lied and treated her differently than what John was saying. You smile at her, happy that she's going to be alright.

Someone walks up behind you and ties your wrists again with more rope. You're attached to a wall behind you now.

John: To please everyone, we will be watching him suffer and die today.

Unknown: Hanging isn't enough for this bastard!

You spot the woman that yells, and you recognize her... Immediately, you remember the pain you caused.

John: You're right.

This is justified. You deserve this.

John: He will be hanged.

John gestures to the side of the stage.

John: But not before Clementine.

You: What?

John: Through talking with Y/N, I have realized how much he cares for her.

You: John. Hey, don't... Don't do this.

You try to appeal to his soft side you know he has, but that would never work for you. You killed someone he loved dearly.

You: John!

You pull against your ropes as Clementine is escorted onto the stage. John turns to you and steps closer.

John: For what it's worth, I am sorry.

You: Fuck you! You're full of shit! Leave her out of this and do more to me!

John: I'm sorry.

You: John!

He leaves you, walking toward the edge of the stage.

You: John!

Clementine passes you, a warm smile on her face. It rips your heart from your chest. It reminds you of the way Eri, your sister, looked at you before you killed her.

You: John, please!

You're rubbing your wrists raw from the struggle to get free.

You: Leave her alone!

You look at the crowd; all their eyes are on you. They're so pleased with this turn of events. They begin chanting for her to be hung, yelling and cheering as she's prepared.

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now