Vengeful-A Search for Nothing

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You: I hate alleyways.

The alleyway you're currently in isn't like the city's. A town's is always easily escapable, the low fences easy to climb, but someone could still use them to surprise you.

Set: Would you rather climb over a bunch of cars?

The other options were through a house or a street blocked by old cars. This is the easiest and safest way through.

You: No, but I still hate this.

The rocks below your feet make more noise than you're comfortable with. Anyone waiting to ambush you will be able to pinpoint exactly how far from them you are.

Set: Quit worrying.

You: I'm not worried about us.

Set: She's fine.

You: For now. 

Set: She'll be fine.

You left Clementine in a house a few blocks away to allow you to help Set. Supplies are low, and two people can search faster, more, and better than one.

Set: If I've learned anything over the past eleven days with you two, it's that she is a really good shot.

She saved his life yesterday. A walker had him, and he was just barely keeping it from biting him. You couldn't get to him from where you were and Clementine had a gun. One shot is all it took. With how much Set and the walker were moving around, it was a hard shot to make. The chances of hitting him were something you wouldn't have risked. But she did, and it paid off.

You: Until she gets overwhelmed.

Set: Walkers aren't going to overwhelm her in there. She has more bullets than there are walkers within a few miles of here.

You: That's an exaggeration, but it's not walkers I'm worried about.

You make it out of the alleyway and relax a little, removing your hand from the knife sheathed at your side.

Set: Yeah, I guess you have a point there.

The two of you don't make your way into any of the buildings as you walk the street. They're too obviously looted. Doors left wide open, entire entrances blown to bits, some houses are charred from fires long ago. It's unlikely you'll find much, if anything, in this town.

Set: You know, she likes you.

You: What?

Set: Clementine.

You: What are you talking about? I know she likes me.

He laughs.

You: What's so funny?

Set: I was wondering why you haven't done anything. You're entirely in the dark.

You: The hell are you talking about?

Set: Chillout, man. I've just noticed that you haven't taken a single hint.

You: I don't know what you're talking about.

Set: I'm sure you will. She'll get tired of waiting around.

You: How about you mind your own business.

Set: Fine, fine... Let's check this one out.

He ends the conversation instantly, pointing to a large building that looks to have been a grocery store. Likely, there's nothing inside.

You: Looks like someone was using this place.

Set: Yeah, except the big hole in the entrance.

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