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You're nervous. You feel like you've been led into a trap, and now you're stuck in a room with two strangers on a floor full of strangers. Your brain screams at you to run. Find an exit that's more suitable than the obvious door you just came through. Jump over the balcony and climb to the next floor down. Bust a hole in the wall somehow. Fight your way out.

Javier: Sorry about that. We just haven't had a minute to really rest in a while. We took advantage.

Clem: I understand.

Javier: It's a wonder what some extra sleep can do.

He stretches and yawns to play it up. He's too casual.

You: Thought you had a kid.

They'd be running around if so, right? You'd have seen them. You see toys but no child.

Javier: Gabe is watching him.

Clem: So he's a boy?

Javier: We haven't told you anything about him, have we?

Clem: No, you haven't. I was hoping we'd get to see him today.

Javier: You still might.

Clem: How old is he?

Javier: Two. We decided to name him David... Yeah, he wasn't a good man, but... He was family.

Clem: Hate that guy.

Javier: I get it, but our boy will never be like him.

Clem: I believe that.

You: Aren't there two of you?

You look around.

Javier: Yeah, she's in the other room.

Clem: What are you doing?

She taps your shin with her crutch.

You: Nothing.

Clem: Quit.

You: I'm not doing anything.

Clem: They're not trying to kill us.

You: I never said they were.

Clem: But you're thinking it.

Javier: Um. What's going on?

Clem: He's being paranoid.

You: Cautious.

Clem: Paranoid.

Javier: Oh. I promise you're safe here. If there's anything we've done to make you think otherwise, I'm sorry.

Clem: You haven't done anything.

Javier: Still, you've been out there for weeks. It's gotta make anyone a little paranoid.

Clem: He's new to the whole group thing.

Javier: What does that mean?

Clem: Our group just found him a little bit before we got separated. He was alone.

Javier: Alone.

You: People get you killed. So, I've been alone since a little after the start.

Javier: You would have been really young then.

You: Nine.

Javier: Damn. You must have been through a lot.

You: I'd rather not talk about it.

Javier: I get that. All of us have stories we don't want just anyone to hear.

He glances down but turns around shortly after and walks toward a door to another room.

Javier: I'm going to go get Kate.

He leaves.

Clem: Stop it.

You: I haven't done anything.

Clem: They're not going to hurt you.

You: They couldn't if they wanted to.

Clem: Are you going to quit or not?

You: I'm just... Worried.

Clem: We've talked about this.

You: That doesn't make me feel better. You don't just learn to trust everyone you meet overnight. Nine years of solitude conditioned me to suspect that everyone is unfriendly. Otherwise, when they're not friendly, I wouldn't be ready.

Clem: Maybe we should do this another time.

You: Wh-... No, I... I can do it.

Clem: I'm not going to force you.

You: I don't want to ruin this for you.

Clem: You can go back to the apartment. I'll be back in a few hours.

You: You're going to stay here? Alone?

Clem: I'm not alone.

You: But.

Clem: It's fine.

You don't want to leave her here alone, but you feel threatened. You wouldn't make this night enjoyable; you'd ruin it. You'd ruin her night. But that's better than leaving her alone to die.

Clem: You don't have to be with me all the time. I can handle myself.

You pull a pistol from your pants and give it to her.

Clem: Where did you-

You: Take it.

Clem: No. We're not even supposed to have these.

You: Take it. Please.

She studies you for a moment and then decides to take it. She tucks it in her pants behind her back and covers it with her shirt.

Clem: When I come back, you'll see that there was nothing to worry about.

You: I'll feel better if you have it. If I hear a shot, I'll be here.

She smiles.

Clem: You're overprotective.

You: What?

Clem: Try and chill out a bit. I understand, but I can protect myself. Go home. I'll be back soon.

You slowly nod.

You: I'm sorry.

She shakes her head.

Clem: You apologize for stupid reasons too.


You didn't realize how much you relied on Clementine every time you stepped out in public here. You feel like you're suffocating, surrounded by threats. Anyone around you could lunge at you and stick a knife in your back. Any of them could shoot you right now.

You turn down an alley, an easy way to avoid as many people as possible and get to your apartment...

You blackout.

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now