Haunted-Apples and Butterflies

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You told Clementine everything. You told her about the beginning, a few things leading up to the day you killed them, and then all about that day. You told her about how you killed Grant and Eri, then your father out of hatred for him, and finally your mother. The numbness you felt by the end of that day did not return. Telling it and reliving those memories was painful for you.

You wept as if you were that child again. Clementine's presence was the only difference, making it more bearable. Knowing that someone was there helped. You clung to her as if your life depended on it, crying into her shoulder... And she let you.

You sit on the edge of the bed now, head in your hands, exhausted. There's a distinct feeling in your throat from the crying, and your nose is runny, causing you to sniffle every few minutes.

Clem: How are you doing?

You look up at her, standing in the doorway, balancing on her crutches.

You: Um... I don't know.

She smiles at you weakly and hops over to the bed, sitting down next to you. She digs in her jacket pocket for a moment.

Clem: I got you an apple.

She holds it out to you.

You: I'm good, thank you.

She shrugs and takes a bite herself.

Clem: You sure?

She asks you with a full mouth.

You: Yeah.

She takes another bite. It's awkward for you. You don't know what to do or say, and all she's doing to contribute is eating an apple. Every bite makes you anxious.

You: I'm sorry.

Clem: Shut up.

She swallows.

Clem: Why are you apologizing?

You: You didn't need to see me like. And then I made you sit there while I was crying.

Clem: You didn't make me do anything. If I didn't want to be here, I wouldn't have been, simple as that.

You: Still. You shouldn't-

Clem: I asked you to tell me. I wanted to know so that I could get to know you better.

You've got a feeling in the pit of your stomach. Butterflies flicking around inside it.

Clem: I like you, Y/N. I want to keep you around.

She puts a hand on your lower arm.

Clem: You did what you had to do. I've killed my fair share of loved ones, too. So I know how it feels.

You: I just don't ever want to feel it again.

Clem: Me either. But then what's the point of living if you've got no one to live for.

You meet her eyes for the first time. She's got a look in them that you don't recognize, but you know what it is. It's all she needs to draw you in. She closes her eyes, and you follow her lead.

There's a knocking on the balcony window in the other room, loud, fast, and frantic. You jump up, grabbing the pistol you left on the dresser.

You: The hell was that?

You've got the gun pointed through the doorway at the curtains. There's a figure illuminated by the light outside.

Clem: I don't know, but I think I just got cockblocked.

You: What?

You shrug her statement off and inch into the space, keeping your gun on the window.

You: Stay there.

Clem: You know who it is?

The knocking comes again, and you jump.

You: Can't tell.

Clem: I doubt they're here to hurt us. You said Set was here, didn't you?

You: Point, but you never know.

You speed up, reaching the curtains, pointing your gun at the figure, and throwing them open. Set stands on your balcony, throwing his hands up when he sees the gun.

You lower the gun and slide the door open.

You: How the hell'd you get on our balcony?

Set: I climbed.

You slide the door shut and cover the window again after he steps in.

You: How did you know where we were staying?

Set: I watched you a few days ago to see, just in case.

Clementine hops into the room.

Clem: You're alive.

Set: Yes, I am, and so are you.

You: What are you doing here?

You want to get straight to the point.

Set: I don't get why you're so rude all the time.

Clem: He's that way to everyone.

Set: Not everyone.

He winks at her.

You: Why are you here? Are your people attacking?

Set: No. You had friends out there, right? They were coming here?

Clem: Yeah. Did you find them?

There's hope in her voice.

Set: My people did. They've been captured.


Section Two End...

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