Gods-Xipe Totec

433 28 2


Set and Nep have reached the last town on their route around the turbines. After this, they'll check the carnival and return. They're on a time limit. If they're not back a little before the sunrise, the people at the outpost will call Salvation, and the area will be swarmed. It won't be a problem for them. They've got a few hours left, giving them plenty of time.

As they walk through the streets, they notice immediately that something is up. They silently point out disturbed buildings and vehicles. Then, they take a moment to ensure they're alone before saying anything to each other.

Set: Could have been Ares and Athena, right? They were the last ones to come through here.

Nep: We don't mess with this stuff. That's the rule. We walk through, that's it.

Set: It was Ares' first time.

Nep: Not Athena's.

Set: So someone is here or has been here.

Nep: Recently.

Set: Let's look around, see if we can't find them, and figure out what to do next.

Nep nods in agreement, and the two set off, staying in the shadows the best they can. The sky is clear tonight, allowing the moon to shine down on them unimpeded.

Nep: To our left.

Nep whispers and turns down an alleyway.

Set: What?

Nep: I heard something.

As they walk through alleys and down streets, they see a flickering light against a wall of a building half a block away. They can hear the talking, the laughing, the fire crackling as they approach.

They stop behind a building opposite where the group is.

Set: There's probably somewhere to watch from inside this building.

Nep: They may be set up in this building.

Set: Let's just stick to what we've been doing. Find a spot in the dark to watch them and wait a bit.

Nep: We should split. Find two spots. Less chance of both of us getting caught.

Set: We'll meet up at the gas station nearby.

They both know the drill. They discuss the plan just to make sure they're both on the same page. They'll set up in their different spots to get two different perspectives and avoid both being caught at once. They'll gather information and then leave in just a few short minutes.

Set and Nep split up, each moving to their chosen observation spot. Set likes to get high ground, while Nep usually sticks to an area that she's more concealed and a place that's easy to blend behind.

Both notice the group size; it's not big but not small either. Nep takes in the weapons. There's a lack of them. From what she can see, there are only two guns set together against a wall. There's no telling if they have more than that. Everyone has pipes, bats, crowbars, anything that could be used to bash in a walker's skull. She determines that they wouldn't put up much of a fight. But Set sees something different. He's looking at their faces, noticing that they look familiar. His eyes eventually catch Javier, and that's all he needs. This is Richmond's remnants.

He looks around, not seeing any of Clementine's group. She's not there, but that could mean anything.

Solitude (Clementine X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now