Manhunt-This is the Town

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Two Days Later...

I can't help the others with much of anything. The only things I can do are patrol a little and sit on watch. I wish I could help more. Do more in general. And during the day, when everyone's gone doing their daily routine, I'm stuck by myself. I have to distract myself with planning. With what we do if we can't get enough food and water. What we do when Salvation inevitably comes. What we do when we finally make our move on them. It's better those thoughts than whatever else might come to my mind.

It will be night soon, so it'll still be a bit before anyone returns to the house we chose to stay in. It has a cellar hidden well enough that we could slip inside if Salvation comes and be safe. Probably. We wouldn't make it if we ran, so it's our best option.

I look down the highway in the direction we're sure Salvation is in. They'll come eventually, and we'll be ready. Today might be that day.

I stand up, focusing on a running figure. Louis has been patrolling the highway, checking for ways we could slow Salvation down or, if in the event they come, warn us. His running back this early isn't a good sign.

I step down the stairs from the porch to the sidewalk in front of the house.

Louis: Clementine.

He hunches over, out of breath.

Louis: There are- people coming this way. Five of them.

Me: Did they look armed? Did you get a good look at them?

Louis: I don't know. I saw them and ran. I didn't want to risk it.

Me: Yeah, ok, that's fine. Fuck. Go keep an eye on them. If it seems bad, run and find who you can.

Louis: What about you?

Me: I'm going to go find the others.

Louis: But-

Me: We don't have time, Louis.

Louis: Yeah, sorry.

They're a small group, making me think they're gods, sent by Salvation to hunt us down, or they're just a few scouts. Set made it sound like the gods were elite. I don't think, in our shape, we would stand any chance if that's who they are.

While Louis watches them, I have to warn the others. This is how I can help.


Brooklyn: This is the town.

You: You said that about the last town.

Cas: And the town before that.

Brooklyn: Ok, and when this is the town, I expect an apology from both of you for doubting me.

She's been saying it for the past day. This will be the fourth town you've searched since she started. You guess you appreciate her confidence.

You: I hope you're right this time.

It's been two days since you left the turbine towns and Richmond behind. You still haven't found Clementine, and you've been losing hope that you ever will. So many things could have happened, and it's impossible to know which one it is. The only good news is the distance you've put between you and Salvation.

You: Are we splitting up again?

Sam: I'd say yes. It'll make it faster.

Cas: I'll go ahead and split off then. Scope out the area around the town just in case.

He starts pulling away.

Cas: Where are we meeting?

Sam: Center of town, just like the last time you asked.

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