(Preference: your first kiss together)
Adam Banks: You were with the other Ducks in the locker room after a particularly grueling practice with Coach Orion. To make matters worse, your friend Adam (now back on JV) had been avoiding you almost the entire day, which was extremely weird. It was after the third time that he walked past you while deliberately avoiding eye contact that you'd had enough. After you both took your showers and changed, you grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him out into the hallway. You asked what was wrong but got no answer. You asked again. No answer. You were about to ask a third time when he grabbed you by your upper arms, yanking you forward and crashed your lips together in a sweet but completely unexpected kiss. It was over almost as quickly as it started and you two stood there staring at each other. Somehow, Adam looked just as surprised by the kiss as you did. And before you could even think to speak, he took off in the opposite direction and was out of sight before you could call out to him.
Charlie Conway: It was late at night and you were seated at a table next to Charlie at Mickey's Diner. You both had decided to take a break from studying and get something to eat. Upon arriving, you saw how slammed the diner was and, Charlie being Charlie, volunteered to help out. He said you two could rain check your meal but you insisted on helping out too. You two ran food and bused tables for the next few hours before it was closing time. Charlie's mom rewarded you both with a large, fresh plate of French fries. She went into the back to finish closing up, leaving you two alone. While talking together quietly, you wound up reaching for the same fry at the same time. You turned toward each other, each offering the other said fry, before realizing how close your faces were. You don't know who leaned in first but you soon met in the middle, lips brushing against each other. The sound of pots and pans clattering in the next room startled you both, causing you both to jump apart. You turned back to him and you each gave each other a small smile before laughing.
Guy Germaine: After the two of you had settled into your respective dorms, You and Guy had decided to go for a walk around the Eden Hall campus. It was still a bit deserted as classes didn't start for another few days but you both enjoyed the quiet. After walking for a while, you both stopped for a rest on a bench. You made idle chit chat before falling into a comfortable silence. That was one of the nice things about being with Guy. The silences were never awkward. Deciding to head back the way you'd come, Guy nonchalantly slipped his hand in yours. You interlaced your fingers with his but neither of you acknowledged it. It was just beginning to get dark when you came to the path split between your building and his. As you were about to take your leave, Guy pulled you close to him by your intertwined hands. He looked between your eyes and your lips briefly before you both leaned. The kiss wasn't exactly a surprise as you both had liked each other for a while now but that didn't make it any less special.
Greg Goldberg: The ice was filled with tension. You and the Ducks were playing a really intense game against another school, you on offense and him in the goal. Your team was ahead by one and there was less than a minute left. The other team managed to steal the puck and were flying towards your goal. The clock had 5 seconds left. The other team's player shot the puck. It was silent for a second before he held up his glove. He had stopped the shot! Cheers erupted all around you. You skated over to him, both of you taking off your helmets. You grabbed each other in a big hug and as you were pulling away, he leaned forward and kissed you. He immediately started apologizing for the abrupt kiss but you just smiled. It might have been a bit abrupt but it wasn't unwelcome. The rest of the team grabbed you both in a celebratory hug. Now you had two reasons to celebrate.
Lester Averman: Because of his job at the movie theater, Averman was able to score you both tickets to the new Jim Carrey movie you'd been dying to see, 'The Mask'. You met him right after his shift was over so the two of you could get the best seats, splitting the cost of popcorn and drinks evenly. The movie had you both laughing at the antics of the green faced character in no time. You couldn't help but glance at each other each time Stanley and Tina kissed. As the movie reached its final scenes, you finally plucked up the courage you needed and turned to him. You closed your eyes, leaned in, and kissed him...on the nose. You pulled back and stared at each other for a second before you both broke out into laughter. He smiled at you before grabbing your cheeks and bringing your faces together. This time you didn't close your eyes until the last second. Smokin'.
Luis Mendoza: You and Luis had been dancing around each other for weeks now and you were getting tired of it. You could only stand so much flirting that seemed to go nowhere before you decided to do something about it. It was lunch period and you both were sitting with the other Ducks. You had already finished eating and had gotten up to throw your trash away. Looking back at him, he just looked so handsome, smiling and laughing with your friends. With all the confidence you could muster, you walked straight up to him and called his name to get his attention. He turned to you with a questioning look and you leaned down and planted a firm kiss to his lips. The other Ducks went silent with surprise. You just wanted to know what it would be like and you told him exactly that. It didn't take him long to pull you down for your second kiss.
Dwayne Robertson: You met up with him during the free period you both shared. He had just gotten back from Spring break in Texas, you listened to him intently as he filled you in on everything. After the usuals were relayed (how his family was, how the animals had grown since he last saw them, etc.), he launched himself into the story of how he had assisted in the birth of the stable's newest foal. His excitement was clear on his face through the whole story and you loved how passionately he recounted his experience. You didn't even notice that he'd stopped talking and was asking about your vacation until he waved his hand in front of your face. You playfully pushed his shoulder with your hand to mask your slight embarrassment. Before you could pull it away, he took your hand in his and pressed a kiss to the back of it. You blushed at the action before looking him in the eyes. You both leaned in at the same time, connecting your lips in a small, sweet kiss.

TMD: Preferences|Imagines|Oneshots
FanfictionA collection of preferences, imagines, and oneshots I wrote for The Mighty Ducks trilogy. Disclaimer inside! ‼️TMD 2 now published!‼️