❗🥳100 votes AMaA🥳❗(CLOSED)

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Hey lovelies! Welcome to the 100 votes AMaA! So, to start this thing off I thought I'd answer a few simple questions and set a few ground rules (aka the almost in AMaA).

I won't be sharing anything too personal but I will say that you can call me Sunshine, I'm 18+, and I like to eat chocolate chip cookies with whipped cream.

As for rules, I just ask that you keep things respectful and nothing too out of line. If I don't want to answer the question because I deem it too out of line, I'll respond with either a fact about the TMD film series or with a random headcanon I have about a Duck of my choosing. That sound fair to you?

You can send any asks in a PM if you want to remain anonymous or you can comment them down below!

I think that's it so, without further ado, let the AMaA begin!!


Things are kind of quiet so I'll start things off with some basic questions:

Q. What is your favorite Mighty Ducks movie?

A. It depends on my mood! I usually flip back and forth between the first movie and D2 as a tie for first place and D3 in second place. I love the first movie because it's the one that started it all and I love D2 because of all the new characters that are added. D3 is in last place mostly because the destruction of the Ducks and Hans passing away.

 D3 is in last place mostly because the destruction of the Ducks and Hans passing away

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Q. Do you believe in ghosts?

A. Yes! I've actually had some encounters with ghosts. I used to do theater and each theater has a resident ghost. I've seen lights go on and off, sudden chills in the air during summer time, briefly seeing figures in mirrors, and a few others.

 I've seen lights go on and off, sudden chills in the air during summer time, briefly seeing figures in mirrors, and a few others

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Q. Any hobbies besides writing?

A. A few! I really enjoy singing, reading fanfics, and baking the most though. Kind of basic but oh well lol

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