first date

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(Preference: where they take you on your first date together and how it goes)

Adam Banks: A fancy restaurant. It was a bit awkward at first. The restaurant he took you to was fancier than any place you'd personally ever been to before and neither of you really recognized anything listed on the menu. You made soft chit chat while waiting for your drinks but you both could tell how uncomfortable the other was. You weren't sure which of you started laughing first but soon the both of you were cracking up in your seats, earning glares from the other diners. He smiled and asked if you wanted to go get some pizza instead. You gladly accepted. You both wound up at a small pizzeria, not even caring about the looks you got because of your fancy, overdressed attire. You agreed to keep it more casual for future dates. And there would be future dates!

Charlie Conway: Skating on the pond District 5 used to practice on. You weren't much of a skater so it took some convincing on his part. At first you were like a newborn deer learning to stand. You skated around the pond for a while, him holding your hand and guiding you. He was a pretty good teacher and you seemed to be getting the hang of it! That is, until he let go. He skated a few feet ahead of you and as you attempted to skate after him, you slipped and fell on your butt. Fearing you were hurt, he skated quickly over to you...only to fall down himself. He was the quickest to stand, offering you his hand to help you up. You gladly accepted but the two of you fell again into a pile of awkward limbs. It was quiet for a minute before you both started laughing at your shared clumsiness. The bruised behind you inevitably got was well worth it.

Guy Germaine: A walk through a wildflower garden*. One thing Guy knew about you was that you loved nature, so having your first date in a garden was good with you! You both got there early in the day so you could spend as much time as you want exploring the 15 acres of land. The flowers were absolutely beautiful, you had to stop several times to admire a particularly well kept plant. Walking down the path, hand in hand, you had a competition to see who could spot the most birds first and at one point, narrowly escaped being hit by a sky "present" from one of them. He had brought his camera so you took plenty of pictures both of the flowers and birds but of the two of you as well. You even caught him taking a few candid shots of you but you let it slide. Your favorite picture, however, was the one you took at the entrance on the way out. You smiling at the camera, his arm around your shoulder and kissing your cheek.

Greg Goldberg: Cards and board games at his house. For your first date, you both decided that low-key was the best route to go. You brought the board games, he (or, well, his parents) supplied the sandwiches. You were a bit nervous at first but quickly got over it as you started your first game of 'Don't Break the Ice'. You both played many rounds of multiple games, bragging each time either of you won. After a bit of convincing, you even got him to play 'Pretty, Pretty, Princess'. Jokes on you though as he ended up winning! You finished the night with a seemingly never-ending game of 'Uno'. You wound up having to call it a draw because of curfew but that just meant another date for a rematch. You were more than okay with that.

Lester Averman: A movie and people watching at the mall. You were actually pretty confident going into the date. You'd seen movies with him and the other Ducks before so you figured it wouldn't be much different. And you were right for the most part. The only difference was that he insisted on paying for the tickets and refreshments. You had a hard time controlling your giggles when he "nonchalantly" tried to put his arm around your shoulders, earning loud SHH's from those around you. After the movie let out, you both found a bench near one of the fountains. You spent the rest of the date people watching, the both of you coming up with elaborate back stories for the quirkier characters that passed you by.

Luis Mendoza: An amusement park**. It figured that the speed demon on the ice would take you to such a fast paced place for your first date. You were thinking that the two of you would start slow but once you saw the roller coaster in front of you, you almost tripped over each other to get in line. The slow ascent to the top was almost too much anticipation. Thankfully, a smile from him was enough to ease your nerves until WHOOSH! The two of you and the other riders were soaring through the air, waving your arms in the air and screaming at the top of your lungs. The fast coaster left you both a little dizzy and weak-kneed as you stumbled off. You rode the coaster once more before you decided to ride some of the smaller rides and get some food. Watching him get boxed into a corner by a few little kids had you laughing so hard you could barely breathe. A Ferris Wheel ride was the perfect ending to a perfect date.

Dwayne Robertson: The zoo***. You both had an affinity for animals so the zoo was perfect for your first date! You got a map and decided to follow it from end to end. You walked almost lazily at first until Dwayne saw the zebras. He ran over to the exhibit accidentally leaving you, but his childlike wonder just made you laugh. After joining him, his excitement was in fully force. He pulled you along from exhibit to exhibit, stopping longer every once in a while when a particular animal caught your eye. As you made your way to the end, you finally arrived at your shared favorite: the petting zoo! He bought each of you a handful of pellets and a few of the animals were quick to come up to you two. A small goat took a liking to you and let you pet it more than any of the others. As you tried to leave, hand in hand, the quirky thing got between you two and even headbutted him in the leg!

(*The place I used as a reference for this one is the Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden and Bird Sanctuary in Minneapolis, MN)

(**The place I used as a reference for this one is the Valleyfair Amusement Park in Shakopee, MN)

(***The place I used as a reference for this one is the Minnesota Zoo in Apple Valley, MN)

(A/N: I'm debating whether or not to turn some of these into imagines or even oneshots but I'm not sure. Let me know what you think!😄)

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