yesterday (a.b.) (pt. 1)

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(A/N: Hey lovelies! This came to me while I was working on requests and I just couldn't not write it. I guess I needed the catharsis after this week. Anyway, the title of this oneshot is in reference to the song of the same name by The Beatles. Now, on with the oneshot!)

       The tech crew dismantled the set behind me as I sat on the edge of the stage. I was still in my costume and makeup but I didn't care. Our closing night show had been over for over a half an hour but I just couldn't bring myself to get up yet. The usual post-show blues were there but that's not why I was upset. 'He said he'd be here.' I thought, my eyes brimming with unshed tears.

       I was the lead, Emily, in the fall play production of 'Our Town'. It ran for two weekends: Fridays, Saturdays, and two shows on Sundays. Most of the Ducks had been to at least one performance but not the person who I wanted to be there the most; my boyfriend, Adam. I knew his schedule was packed now that he was on Varsity but he promised he would be here for either opening night or closing night. Now, he'd missed both of them.

       I finally got to my feet and began making my way across the stage towards the dressing rooms. Just then, the doors of the auditorium flew open and Adam came rushing in. He looked disheveled with his hair messy and his letterman jacket eschew like he ran the whole way here. I stared at him for a moment before turning back around. I didn't want to talk to him right now. He had other plans.

       "Y/N! I'm so sorry! Practice ran late and then the guys wanted to grab something to eat and I couldn't say no-" Adam babbled but I cut him off.

       "You never can, can you?" I ask, more tears coming to my eyes.

       "I know you're upset but please believe me. I'll be there every night for your next show. Y/N, if I could have been here then I would have been." Adam said, making his way up on stage to stand in front of me. He must have seen the look on my face because his expression turned even more sorrowful.

       I was teetering between sad and mad, but now, mad was winning. I blinked and the tears finally fell down my cheeks. "That's the thing, Adam. You COULD have been here. You COULD have said no to those guys but you didn't." I said, voice shaking.


       "No! I don't want to hear excuses! And it's not just today. It's all the cancelled dates, the missed phone calls, the way you just don't seem to care about my feelings as much as what your team wants to do." I said, interrupting him again. With each word my voice was getting louder. Months of hurt were coming to the surface and I couldn't hold it in anymore.

       I turned away from him, walking towards the dressing room again. I didn't get far, though, as Adam grabbed my hand. I refused to look at him. He laced our fingers together but I pulled my hand away.

       "I didn't know I was hurting you so much." Adam said, softly. "I'm sorry. I promise things will get better. Once the guys accept me as one of them, things will go back to how they were before. I promise!"

       "You've made the same promise before, Adam, but it never happens." I said back. "Ever since you moved to Varsity, you just haven't been the same."

       "Well what the hell am I supposed to do, Y/N?! Do you have any idea how hard things have been for me?!" Adam suddenly yelled. "If I could go back to the Ducks I would but I can't! Do you have any idea how many people I'd disappoint? My dad, my teammates, my coach. Not to mention how many scouting opportunities I'd miss out on!"

       "But you would be so much happier! Screw all of those guys! I've never seen you as happy as when you played with the Ducks. You never missed any of my performances then, either." I yelled back.

       "I told you I was sorry! It's just a stupid play!" Adam yelled.


       "Y/N, I'm sorry-" Adam started, having realized what he said. But I just shook my head at him. With tears falling nonstop from my eyes, I sniffled pitifully. He went to bring me into his arms but I broke away.

      "I can't do this anymore, Adam." I said, softly sobbing. "I can't keep waiting for you to decide what's more important. So I'm making the decision for you."


       "It's over, Adam." I said.

       The sound of power tools filled the silence as I turned around again and ran into the dressing room, leaving Adam standing there with his mouth agape and a lone tear falling down his cheek.

(A/N: So angsty! Hopefully part 2 will end on a better note. I'm still working on requests but this came to me and I had to write it. You know how it is lol Until next time! Thanks!!)

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