let me be your wings (c.c.) (requested)

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(A/N: This oneshot was requested by staygold4johnnycade. Thanks so much for the request! It's a little short but I hope you like it anyway! The song in the title is a reference to the song of the same name from the animated movie 'Thumbelina' (1994). Now, on with the oneshot!)

The familiar chill of the rink hit me as I stepped out onto the ice. This would be my first practice since breaking my ankle and I was more than nervous. Luckily, I had a very understanding team and an even more understanding boyfriend, Charlie. Speaking of whom, he was already out on the ice, skating laps as the rest of our team finished getting their gear on.

I really had to hand it to my boyfriend. He was with me every step of the way while my ankle was healing. He would carry my backpack, he got me my favorite snacks, and he even let me watch my favorite movie on repeat without complaining. I'm sure he's thrilled that I'm back to normal now.

Setting my helmet off to the side, I took a deep breath and slowly started skating. I was being cautious since I hadn't been on my skates for a few weeks. I slowly did one lap and was about to do another but, apparently, Charlie had other ideas. As he skated towards me, his hands grabbed my hips and brought me with him as he skated. Fast.

"Charlie!" I exclaim, feeling the wind in my hair as we skated.

"Come on, Snowflake. Gotta get back on the horse." Charlie said back. He let go of my hips in favor of my hands and started skating backwards in front of me.

We skated a lap like that, Charlie focusing on skating backwards and me focusing on Charlie. I really had to admire the way he moved on the ice. He'd come a long way from the clumsy boy I'd known back when we were just District 5.

"Charlie, I'm gonna fall!" I say, scared as my balance falters for a split second.

"I'm never gonna let you fall." Charlie assures. "Just like that movie we watched the other night. I'll be your Cornelius, if you'll be my Thumbelina." A smile spreads its way across his face.

A smile of my own blooms as I remember the movie. He was talking about my favorite scene where Cornelius and Thumbelina fly on Cornelius's bumblebee and sing the song 'Let Me Be Your Wings'. It's been my favorite since I first saw it.

I took a deep breath and let Charlie lead me around the rink. We skated a few more laps like that before he changed back to being by my side again and putting his hands on my waist. He even started humming the song in my ear as we went lap after lap. We both stumbled a bit as the other Ducks started to pour onto the ice, kissy noises being sent our way. But we didn't care. We just laughed and kept skating until Coach called for practice to begin.

Even with a nickname like Spazway, I'd let Charlie Conway be my wings any day.

(A/N: Thanks again to staygold4johnnycade for the request! I hope you liked it! Requests are open so if you have any for preferences, imagines, or oneshots, please send them in! That's all for now! Until next time! Thanks!!)

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