~5k Oneshot Special~

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(A/N: Okay. So I know this isn't the 5k that I had been working on but I got majorly stuck on that one and I had this one nearly finished already so here it is! This was actually supposed to be a regular oneshot when I first started writing it but obviously it got away from me. It actually made it perfect for the oneshot special! So here it is, the 5k reads, 5 words Oneshot Special! Happy reading!)

‼️DISCLAIMER: This oneshot is rated slightly PG-13 for mentions of mature topics (ie. sex). If this subject makes you uncomfortable, please don't force yourself to read! ‼️

Y/N = Your name

Y/L/N = Your last name

italics = emphasis/over the phone speaking

" = dialogue

' = thoughts


       It was a Thursday night and I was laying on my bed finishing some homework. I drummed my pencil against my notebook and looked at the clock. It was just about 8 o'clock. Normally I would have been at hockey practice but I had a dentist appointment after school so Coach Orion had excused me. Not that I minded. 

       Today's practice was going to be mixed with the JV team and I wasn't fond of some of the players. They thought they were varsity material when they still played like they were in peewees and they had attitudes to match.

       'Stupid calculus. I can't wait to be rid of you come June!' I thought, making a face at my text book. It made no sense to me why I had to learn this when I was never gonna use it but try telling that to the schoolboard. I sat up to take a quick break when my phone rang. I had convinced my parents to let me have my own phone line in my room as soon as I started making money babysitting and only they and the Ducks knew the number, including my boyfriend, Adam.

       Adam and I have been together for almost 3 years now. We met in study hall in our freshman year but didn't get together until winter of our sophomore year. I'd had a crush on him from the start and later he told me so did he. I grew up playing hockey but an ankle injury kept me from playing for a few years. I didn't start playing hockey again until Adam got me back into it. Now here we are, almost 4 years later, and I'm a member of the varsity team. I picked up the phone on the third ring.

       "Hello?" I asked, pushing aside my books. Some fell to the floor but I just shrugged at them. Oh well. There was a shuffling noise on the other line with a few voices talking. "Hello?" I asked again. After a few more seconds of listening, I recognized the closest voice immediately and the others started to make sense too.

       Adam's parents had gotten him a cell phone for getting straight A's on his midterms and he hadn't really mastered using it yet. It had become a regular occurrence for him to call me accidentally when he checked his voicemail since he had me on speed dial. They must have just gotten done with practice and he had grabbed his phone out of his duffle bag, hence the pocket dial. I couldn't help but snicker as another, much older voice yelled over the others and they all quieted down. I decided to listen and see how long it would take Adam to notice I was on the line this time.

(3rd Person POV, Ducks' Locker Room)

       "Alright, quiet down!" Coach Orion yelled out, getting all the players attention. A mix of Varsity and JV players looked back at him. "I have some final notes from today's practice. Now, the overall practice was fine but I want better than fine. Some of you are still making simple mistakes that I want gone." He picked up his clipboard and started giving out corrections.

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