~16k Oneshot Special~

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(A/N: Here it is! The 16k Oneshot Special featuring Jesse Hall! Things have been hectic because of Christmas coming but I'm glad I was able to get this done! Now, on with the oneshot!)

       The sounds of downtown filled the air. The snow crunched under our feet as my boyfriend, Jesse, and I made our way down the sidewalk of Main Street. We were headed to the diner to meet up with the other Ducks and decided to take a detour. We had plenty of time to get there so I wasn't worried when Jesse led me in the opposite direction. As we walked, I decided to bring up a topic that I knew Jesse was having a hard time with.

      "So you're really not coming with us?" I asked for what felt like the hundredth time.

       "Y/N..." Jesse trailed off.

       "Come on, Jesse! It's a free ride to a prestigious school! How can you not come?" I asked, swinging our joined hands.

       "And go to school with a bunch of cake-eaters? No thanks." Jesse laughed.

       "Oh, please! You can't let the cake-eaters get you down! Besides, you'll have me and the Ducks to keep you sane." I said.

       We walked around the park where Duck's pond is and watched the people mill about. Some were couples having a nice moment together, some were families playing in the fresh snow. 

       "I love seeing kids making snowmen." I said, referring to a group of little kids not too far away making a lopsided snowman.

       "Hey..." I could see Jesse's breath as he let out a sigh. "Y/N...there's something I need to tell you." Jesse said, stopping us in the middle of the sidewalk.

       "Whoa, serious voice." I said with a laugh. My laugh faded out as I realized Jesse wasn't laughing too. "Oh. Okay. Actual serious voice. What is it?"

       "The reason I'm not going with you guys to Eden Hall is because...I'm moving." Jesse said, his shoulders slumping as the last word left his lips.

        The world seemed to stop around me.


       My boyfriend was moving away.

       "What?" I asked, hoping I hadn't heard what I just heard.

       "I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you! My dad got a new job and he wants me to stay local with him and Terry. I'm so sorry." Jesse said, gripping my hand tighter than before.

        "You're really moving?" I asked, my voice sounding almost dazed. I looked down at my feet, not really sure what to do at this moment.

       "Right after New Years."

       My head snapped up at that. It was already the middle of December! 

       "What?! How could you wait so long to tell me?!" I exclaimed, drawing the attention of a few passersby.

       "I'm sorry! I wanted to tell you! I just...didn't know how." Jesse said, fading out at the end.

       I could feel the tears coming to my eyes but I forced them down seeing the look on Jesse's face. I could tell this was really tearing him up inside. I wiped my eyes quickly before clearing my throat.

       "Well, we'll just have to make the most of the time we have left. Plus, we can do long distance! We'll make it work!" I said, in an almost too happy voice.

        "Y/N...it's okay to be upset-"

       "If I waste time being upset then you'll be gone sooner. Let's get to the diner, yeah?" I said, gripping his hand tighter this time.

       Jesse gave me a small smile and a kiss on the cheek but nodded. I returned the kiss on the cheek with a quick peck to his lips and turned us in the direction of the diner. 

       "You're gonna have to tell the rest of the Ducks too. You know that, right?" I asked.

       "Oh, god. Don't remind me! Guy's gonna hug me too long." Jesse joked.

       I laughed even though deep down, I wanted to cry. 'This was going to be a difficult holiday but I wasn't going to give up on my relationship. We would make it work long distance. We love each other too much not to.'

       It started to snow again as we continued our walk, swinging our hands as we went.

(A/N: I'm so sorry! I know this one was sad but it's what came out when I sat down to write! I always wondered why Jesse never went to Eden Hall with the rest of the Ducks so I thought I'd give my own version for why not. Was it okay? I'm sorry again! Until next time! Thanks!!) 

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