what do i do (l.m.)

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(A/N: Here it is! Part 3 of my Luis Mendoza mini-series! This one's a little on the shorter side but I plan on wrapping everything up with a fourth and final part. I tried to describe them playing hockey in this one but I absolutely sucked at it lol I'll have to do more research on terms and things and then edit it in later. And, yes, the title is another Sam Phillips song lol So without further ado, here's part 3! I hope you like it!!)

Y/N = Your name

Y/N/N = Your nickname

" = dialogue

' = thoughts

       It had been a week since the kiss. Luis hadn't stopped calling or trying to instant message me but I ignored all of his attempts. He even came by my house but I had my parents send him away every time. My heart was still too broken to even think about speaking to him, let alone see him. But time wasn't on my side. I would have to see him at hockey practice in a few minutes.

       I kept my head down as I hurriedly put on my gear. Julie and Connie had offered to run interference but I turned them down. I have to handle this on my own. And by handle, I meant avoid Luis like the plague. I finished just in time as you know who came into the locker room and I quickly made my way out. He tried to get my attention but I ignored him.

       I joined the others who were already suited up in doing some laps to warm up. They laughed at something Averman said and I laughed along but my mind was elsewhere. My eyes had barely left the ice the entire warm up when Coach called us all together. He gave a few notes before splitting us up for a scrimmage. Thankfully, Luis and I were on separate teams. I was on Adam's team and he was on Portman's.

       The game began with our team making an easy goal on Goldberg. Things got intense quickly as they always do. Guy passed the puck to Dwayne who then passed it to me. I skated my way down the ice and thought how good I was doing, both on the ice and off. I had almost forgotten all about Luis and our kiss as I neared the goal. That is, until he came out of nowhere and checked me into the boards, letting Portman take the puck from me. Thankfully, Luis skated away as I got back to my feet.


       There was only 4 minutes left on the clock and I had the puck again. The others ran interference for me as I sped down the ice, getting ready to shoot. Yet again, Luis came out of nowhere and checked me into the boards. I got up but this time Luis was still in front of me. A look of determination was set on his face. I tried to ignore it but he used his stick to push me back up against the boards again.

       "Luis, come on. Let me go." I said, briefly meeting his eyes before refocusing on the game. I waited for him to skate away but he didn't; nor did he let go of me. "Luis!"

       "I'm sorry but you won't listen to me otherwise." He said, loosening his hold a bit.

       I tried to skate passed him but he just pushed me back up against the boards.

      "Luis-" I tried to say but he cut me off.

       "No. Let me talk. I thought about what you said. A lot." He began, stick still against my shoulders. "And Mindy and I...we're finished. She wasn't the girl for me. I know that now." He said. My heart jumped a bit at his words but I ignored it.

        "Luis, the game-" I tried to remind him but again he cut me off.

       "I don't care! Like I said, I've been doing a lot of thinking. And I know you're my best friend but...I think I want us to be more."

       A week ago that would have been the best thing I'd ever heard. But now it just broke my heart even more than it already was. 'He just got out of a relationship. He's not thinking clearly.' I thought. I looked away from his face as I wasn't in the mood to cry in front of everyone.

       "Luis..." I tried to start again but trailed off.

       "I mean it, Y/N. I want us to be together." He said, finding my eyes and holding my gaze.

       "You're just upset about breaking up with Mindy-"

       "No, I'm not! I want to give us a try. You and Me."

       "Luis, you already told me that if Mindy asked then you'd get back together with her. If we got together, I'd just be a rebound. And I don't want to be anyone's second choice."

       "But you're not! You-"

       "Y/L/N! MENDOZA! GET BACK IN THE GAME!" Coach shouted from the sidelines.

        Luis finally lowered his stick. I started to skate away back to the others. I was almost past him when he grabbed my shoulder.

       "Then let me prove to you that you're not. Let me prove that I choose you."

       I sigh as I swivel on my skates to face him again. "You can try. But no promises."

       He smiled at me and I couldn't help but return it the smallest bit.

       "Don't underestimate me, Y/N/N. I have a habit of getting what I want." He laughed as he skated back over to his team.

       I shook my head, small smile still on my face as I skated back into position.

       'We'll see, Mendoza.' I thought to myself, half sad but also half hopeful. 'We'll see.'

(A/N: Again, sorry that it's pretty short! I wanted to get it done so I could work on the 5k Oneshot Special and then the final part of this mini-series. I wonder what Luis will do to show Y/N that he means it. No, really I don't know what he'll do at this point but I have some ideas lol That's all for now! Until next time! Thanks!!)

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