brothers & sisters (d.p.) (requested)

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(A/N: This oneshot was requested by w_franco_4. I hope you like it! The song in the title is a reference to the song of the same name by Coldplay. Now, on with the oneshot!)

       My stomach was in knots as I practiced my swing. Today was the deciding game for my softball team for whether we would go to the playoffs or not. To top off the already added pressure, my brother, Dean, and our friends the Ducks were in the crowd. I wanted to play my best for them.

       "Portman! You're up!" My coach called out.

       Nodding to him, I made my way to the plate. I set my stance and waited for the pitch.


       "Strike one!" The ump called.


       'Oh no.' I thought as I heard my brother yell from the crowd. Dean was a loudmouth when it came to my games and he thought I could do no wrong.

       "SHAKE IT OFF, Y/N! YOU GOT THIS! WATCH OUT FOR THE BALL! DON'T LET IT HIT YOU!" Dean yelled again. The Ducks all called out words of encouragement too.

       I shook my shoulders in an attempt to get some of the pressure off. Knowing that Dean and the Ducks were watching made me even more nervous. I waited for the next pitch.


       "Strike two!" The ump called.


       This time the ump looked in Dean's direction before giving me a pointed look. I sent him a sheepish smile before getting back into my stance.


       This time, I hit the ball! I dropped the bat and started running. I ran with all my might and slid into first base. Unfortunately, the first baseman caught the ball a split second before I made contact with the base. I was out.

       "You're OUT!" The ump called. I quickly got up and dusted myself off as I trotted back to the dugout.

       "WHAT?! Y/N WAS CLEARLY SAFE! I CALL FIX! THIS GAME IS FIXED!" I heard Dean call out. I just shook my head as I took my seat in the dugout. I took a swig of my water only to spit it out as I saw my brother making his way down from the stands and onto the field!

       "What's the matter, ump? ARE YOU BLIND?! Y/N WAS SAFE BY A MILE!" Dean yelled at the ump's face.

       "Calm down, son, or we're gonna have a problem!" The ump said back as calmly as he could.

       "Dean, please! Just go back to your seat!" I called out but was seemingly unheard.

       "I got this, Y/N!" Dean yelled at me, a hand coming up to get me to back off. "And don't think we're not going to talk about that slide later! You could have hurt yourself!"

       That got me mad. I stormed out of the dugout and grabbed Dean by the ear, dragging him back to the stands.

       "Ow! Y/N! Stop it damn it! That hurts!" Dean cried out. But I didn't listen. I just kept dragging him until we were back up at his seat with the other Ducks.

       "Now sit!" I yelled.

       Dean sat. The other Ducks looked on in fear as my eyes practically glowed bright with fire. "Now, I'm going to go back to my game. If I hear so much as a peep coming out of you, I will shove my bat so far down your throat-"

       "Okay! Okay. I get it!" Dean said, cutting me off.

       "Good." I said. With that, I turned on my heel and went back to the dugout. My teammates all looked at me but I just ignored them. This was going to be a long game.


       We were down by three points. Bases were loaded. And it was my turn up to bat again. I shook myself out as I took my spot at the plate. I set my stance and waited for the pitch.


       "Ball one!" The ump called.

        I expected to hear my brother yell out in protest but heard nothing. 

       'I guess he's actually listening to me.' I thought as I took a step back from the plate to do another quick practice swing. I got back in place and ground my foot into the dirt.


       "Strike one!" The ump called out.

       Again, I expected to hear something from Dean but nothing came. It should have made me happy that he wasn't making a sound but it was actually making me kind of sad. I looked up at the stands and saw him sitting there with a look of apprehension on his face. Our eyes connected and I sent him a small smile which he returned. He gave me an encouraging look and nodded at me. I nodded back before focusing back on the game.



       The ball sounded as it made contact with the bat and went flying out to right field. I dropped the bat and started running. This time I made it to first and then second! Three players made it home, tying the game! I kept running and reached third! The other team was still scrambling for the ball so I started running for home. I ran with all my might and saw the ball being thrown to home out of the corner of my eye. I had only one choice: slide. 

       I fell into a slide and a cloud of dust formed around me and the catcher. I felt my foot hit the base a second before the catcher touched me with the ball.

       "SAFE!" The ump called out.

       The crowd went wild! The Ducks all stood to their feet and cheered their hearts out but no one was louder than my brother, Dean. He was shouting my name at the top of his lungs while stomping his feet. I couldn't help but laugh. As my teammates gathered around me, I was suddenly lifted off my feet and placed on shoulders. I looked down to see Dean and Fulton holding me up.

       "YEAH! Y/N RULES!" They yelled out as they pranced around the field with me on their shoulders. When they let me down, Fulton leaned in and gave me a small kiss on the cheek which earned him a punch in the arm from Dean. I laughed harder than before. I guess having a protective, loudmouth brother wasn't the worst thing in the world.

(A/N: Thanks again to w_franco_4 for the request! I hope you liked it! There's still two spots left open for requests so send them in if you got them! That's all for now! Until next time! Thanks!!)

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