~6k Oneshot Special~

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(A/N: Here it is! The 6k Oneshot Special! This is my first time writing for Charlie so I hope it's okay. The poll for the 7k Oneshot Special is also live so be sure to get your votes in while you can! But for now, here's the 6k Oneshot Special! Enjoy!!)

Y/N = Your name

Y/L/N = Your last name

italics = emphasis/through the door

" = dialogue

' = thoughts

       The sounds from the city below were clear and present as I happily climbed the steps of my boyfriend's apartment building. I was picking him up on the way to hanging out with the others and I was so excited. The last of the out of town Ducks had arrived and we were going to celebrate being all back together with a picnic by our pond.

       As I got to Charlie's floor, I was a little nervous. Charlie had been acting weird and I still haven't figured out why. He was on good terms with everyone, his part time job was going well, and our relationship was as good as ever but for some reason he had been moody and distant all week. As I got to his apartment, I knocked on the door. It didn't take long for Casey to answer it.

      "Hi, Y/N! Charlie's in a mood and is still in bed. I'm going to go run some errands so maybe you can get him up and about." Casey said, pulling her purse over her shoulder.

       I gave her an 'okay' and a wave as she left. I closed the door behind her before making my way to Charlie's room. I knocked and waited for a response.

       "I swear I don't need anything, Mom." I heard my boyfriend call out.

       "Charlie? It's me." I said. 

       "...Come in."

       I opened the door to find him still in bed. Just like his mom said. He was laying on his back, hands under his head, staring at the ceiling. I smiled at my boyfriend, lost in his own little world.

       "Okay, c'mon Conway! Up up up!" I clapped at him. "We're supposed to meet the others in half an hour."

       I watched as he brought his hands to his face and rubbed his eyes. He sighed in what seemed like frustration.

       "I don't think I'm gonna go." Charlie finally says.

        "Stop messing around, Charlie. If you don't get dressed then we'll be late." I said back.

       "No. I really mean it. I don't think I'm going to go." He answered, his tone getting a bit hostile.

       "What do you mean? It's the first time we'll all be together since last school year! You gotta come!" I said. I turned to his dresser. If he wasn't going to pick something out to wear then I'd pick for him.

       "I want to but-" He starts but I cut him off, not in the mood to deal with his moodiness.

       "Unless you're running a fever, you're coming. Come on, Cap. Out of bed!" I commanded. I quickly move to his bed and throw his covers off of him before renewing my search for something for him to wear.

       "I'm serious, Y/N!" He all but shouted.

       I turn to him briefly and his eyes immediately hold an apology. 

       "What is going on, Charlie?" I ask, getting a bit irritated myself.

       "It's just..." He trailed off. He gives another frustrating sigh before turning on his side and reached into his side table, digging around for something.

       "Just what, Charlie?" I asked as I lean against his dresser, holding a t-shirt I had pulled out.

       "Promise not to tell anyone? Not even my mom?" Charlie asked back.

       "You know I won't tell. You can trust me." I give him a small smile to make my point.

       "I...I, uh...got a letter from my father." Charlie stammered out quietly.

        I dropped the t-shirt I was holding. "R-really?" 

        He nodded.

       Okay, this wasn't good. Charlie told me that he hadn't heard anything from his father in all the years his parents have been divorced when we first started dating. It was really tough for him to talk about but I was glad he shared something so personal with me. Now, though, I had no idea how to handle this. I mean, what do you do when your boyfriend's deadbeat dad sends him a letter a few weeks before his junior year of high school?

       "Did you, um," I tripped over my words. "Did you read it?"

       "No." He said, shaking his head. "I don't know if I want to. I mean, should I? It's not like I've had any kind of relationship with him since he left so why should I read it now, right?" He got up from his bed and started pacing.

       "I don't know, Handsome." I say, pulling out my pet name for him. "This isn't a decision that I can make for you. I guess if it were me-" 

       "That's just it. It's not you. It's me." Charlie cut me off. "Why am I letting this prick have so much control over me? I haven't seen him since god knows when but he sends me one letter and I let it take over my entire life?" Charlie yells.

       He continues to pace before abruptly dropping back down on his bed, head in his hands. I slowly approach him and sit down beside him. The only acknowledgement I get is him moving over slightly to give me more room.

       "I don't know what to say." I start, slowly bringing my hand to his shoulder. "But whatever you decide to do, I'm here for you."

       He finally brings his face out of his hands and looks at my with tear filled eyes. I bring our foreheads together and we sit like that in silence for a while. 

       Charlie lifts his head from mine and places a small kiss on my forehead. "Thanks, Y/N."

       "For what?" I ask, confused.

       "Just for being you." He says, smiling a real Charlie smile.

       He gets up again and puts the letter back in his drawer. I watch as he walks to his dresser and picks himself out some clothes along with a towel. 

       "Just give me 15 minutes and we'll go."

       I nod and walk towards the living room. Charlie stops me and grabs me in a hug. He gives my forehead another kiss before pulling back and going into the bathroom.

       I know this isn't the last time I'll hear about the letter. But until then, I was going to make sure that Charlie had a great day today. And I knew the others would make sure of it too.

(A/N: So? How was it? Was it okay? Let me know what you think in the comments! I know 1k is kind of short so I'm thinking of actually making it a twoshot with a separate oneshot later on. Right now, I'm already thinking of ideas for the 7k Oneshot Special. Maybe if Charlie wins I can make the 7k a continuation of this one? We'll have to wait and see! That's all for now! Until next time! Thanks!!)

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