you've got a friend (f.r.) (requested)

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(A/N: This oneshot was requested by slahuis7. I hoe you like it! Sorry it's on the short side. I didn't get much sleep last night so I'm tired as hell lol The title is a reference to the song by Carole King. Now, on with the oneshot!)

       "Just kiss me already."


       I couldn't believe what I'd just heard.

       "Come on, Y/N. Your sister doesn't have to know." My sister's boyfriend, Michael, said.

       My sister's boyfriend had been coming around a lot recently. And apparently the reason why, as he'd just made it clear, was me. I thought he was just being a good boyfriend and spending a lot of time here with my sister. Just being a good guy but I guess I was wrong. Today she'd forgotten to run an errand for our mom and left Michael here with me.

       "Look, Michael, I'm sorry if I've given you mixed signals or something but I don't feel that way about you at all. Besides, you're dating my sister! How could you even think something like this?" I asked.

       "Oh, please. Like you haven't been flirting with me every time I come over!" He said, smirking. He moved forward, trapping me between himself and the kitchen counter.

       "No! I promise I was just being nice!" I exclaimed, looking for any exit.

       "Just admit it, Y/N. You want me as bad as I want you." He said. He closed his eyes and puckered his lips, his head moving towards mine.

       Before anything could happen I kicked him in the shin and ran out of the house. I ran as fast as I could. How could he do such a thing? I thought he was one of the good ones. He made my sister so happy, my parents liked him, I liked him. And he turns out to be a sleaze ball.

       After running for God knows how long, I stopped to look at my surroundings. I recognized the neighborhood thankfully. My feet had brought me to my friend, and crush, Fulton's apartment building. I quickly rang the bell and waited.

       A "yeah?" came through the voice box. And it was just the voice I wanted to hear.

       "Fult, can you let me in?" I practically begged.

       "Y/N?" His voice came through again.

       "Yeah, it's me. Please let me in?" I asked, trying to get my breathing under control again. All that running was catching up to me.

       "Uh, sure. Give me one sec." He said back. 

       Less than a second later the door buzzed open and again I was running. I ran up the flights of stairs to his apartment as fast as I could. I really needed to see Fulton right now.

       I reached his front door in record time. He already had it open and was waiting for me in the doorframe. I nearly tackled him in my hurry to hug him.

       "Whoa! Y/N, what's wrong?" Fulton asked, his arms immediately wrapping around me as well. He led me into his living room and sat us both down on his couch.

       I snuggled my head into his chest and released a shaky breath. "My sister's boyfriend hit on me."


       I guess he couldn't understand me with my face buried. I let go of the hug just enough so I could look up at him.

       "My sister's boyfriend hit on me." I said again.

       The look on Fulton's face immediately changed from one of surprise to one of anger. "That piece of shit! How dare he try to kiss my girl!?" He said, making his way for the door. Or he tried to since I was still wrapped around him.

       "Don't. He's not worth it." I say quietly.

       He relaxed a bit at my voice and wrapped his arms back around me. As crappy a situation this was, I couldn't help but savor the hug. I'd had a crush on Fulton for over a year now so any kind of contact was always welcome.

       Wait, his girl?

       "You-you think of me as your girl?" I asked shakily.

       Fulton's face broke out into a full blush, having realized he'd said that part out loud. Nevertheless, he nodded his head and my heart sped up.

       "I do. At least, if you wanna be?" He asked shyly.

       "I do! I mean, yeah, I'll be your girl." I said excitedly. 

       "So...we're official?" Fulton asked.

       "Yeah. We are." I said, burying my head back into his chest. 

       "Cool." He said a bit awkwardly.

       "Cool." I said back just as awkwardly.

       "Cool. Now let me kick that loser's ass!" He said, trying to stand up again. But I held tight.

       "You could do that or we could put the TV on and cuddle until I have to go home?" I asked.

       It was no contest as Fulton reached for the TV remote. The whole incident with Michael was forgotten for now. I'd tell my sister about her sleazy boyfriend later. Right now, all that mattered was me and Fulton.

(A/N: Again, sorry this is so short. I've been helping dog-sit for my cousin and have been sleeping on the couch because of it being too hot in my room so I'm a bit tired. Thanks again to slahuis7 for the request! If any of you have any requests, send them in! I love doing them! Until next time! Thanks!!

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